Fighting crime in the streets together

Jan 15, 2012 13:20

Who; morethanafour and tereteindahouse
What; Out on patrol
Where; Everywhere!
When; Sunday afternoon
Rating; PG-13 at the most
Status; Closed and ongoing

[One day left. One more day. Junpei was in a more upbeat mood than usual, his grin wider even as he made his way meet with Elena. One more day and he'd be one year less of a kid. Okay, right, maybe it was time to focus on his work. His long sword was strapped to his back and he moved along his route with barely a thought, only paying attention to the scenery as he walks and keeping an eye out for monsters. It should probably be weird how everybody had managed to adjust to this place but Junpei didn't mind. The last time he was home he remembered it as a dream and no time had gone by. So what was there to worry about? He could spend years here and wake up as if nothing had happened.

Which sort of was discouraging at times. Why bother getting better at fighting if it wouldn't matter when he was home? He'd still be his weaker self, fighting Shadows in Tartartus and having to look forward to fighting some version of an awesome friend he had. Still, he'd be saving the world, and maybe if he trained hard enough here then he'd remember some of his moves when he woke up. Maybe. Everything was a maybe.

Before he realized it he was at him and Elena's meeting spot.]

"Dude, come on Elena. I want to fight something."

[Okay, so that wasn't the point of their patrols, but they'd find at least one monster, right?]

persona 3: junpei iori, uncharted: elena fisher

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