Bands // Song Titles Created by
BourdiezFreak and taken 11365 times on
bzoink!Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Led ZeppelinAre you female or male:Living Loving MaidDescribe yourself:Fool In The RainHow do some people feel about you:What Is And What Should Never BeHow do you feel about yourself:Dazed and ConfusedDescribe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Good Times Bad TimesDescribe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:=\Describe where you want to be:Going To CaliforniaDescribe what you want to be:HeartbreakerDescribe how you live:Trampled UnderfootDescribe how you love:All Of My LoveShare a few words of wisdom:The Song Remains The Same
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Go to bzoink! I love this song.
Mom wants to order some of my pictures. Although, I decided to scan some and print them out, because I'm a cheap bastard like that. Copyrighted my ass. ;) I uploaded them to photobucket if you care to take a gander.¤t=pic1.jpg¤t=pic5.jpg¤t=pic4.jpg¤t=pic3.jpg¤t=pic2.jpg Anyway. I'm pretty sure I bombed my AP Psychology and Trig tests today. I really don't think I care as much as I should. But that's never stopped me before.
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