Ahh nah not the Donkey Punch, ahh shit

Sep 21, 2004 10:53

My left ankle is really sore, and I have no idea why. Well...maybe it's from priming my cabinets yesterday, since I had to crouch down and whatnot. That was really lame, although I got my mom to rock out to the Crue. Ha.

Last night was actually quite fun. I picked Jennie up and we met Tin at UA with the original plan to see a movie. But, they were only playing like 3 movies and they were all shitty, so we just went to the mall instead. Chris had called me earlier proposing that we come meet Darkness, so we took him up on the offer and met him, Jacob, Racist Bill, and Frank at the Food Maxx (Afghani-mart) in Shalimar. Derek rolled up not too long after. He definitely wasn't what we were expecting, but whatever. He was pretty cool. We went to Racetrack and Darkness got beer, then we headed to Meigs Beach, of course. We were sitting at the table, the guys were drinking, then these guys come out of the house next door. After Jacob goes all paranoid, I realize,"Holy crap, that's Justin Grinstead." So I talked to him for a little while. I haven't seen that kid in fucking forever.

Anyway, after every guy at that table peed somewhere in the vacinity numerous times, Jacob saying,"Hold on, I got a show for you," and puking more than I have ever seen anyone puke in my life, then Chris laying on the bench laughing the hardest I've ever seen him laugh, Jennie and I left. We met Tin, Ashton, and Becca at the Waffle House on Racetrack. We ate and talked to them for a while, left, almost died (Jennie knows what I'm talking about), then I took her home.

And a fun time was had by all.


-"Hold on, I got a show for you."
-"Oh my god, I want to listen to this guy talked while I'm high."
-"Tin! Do the Party Walk!!!!"
-"God damn Jennie! Stop taking pictures of me."
-"Well, next time I piss on some pancakes..."
-"Pissing on another human being takes a certain level of hatred that should not exist in the world."
-"Dude, Jacob just farted on you."
-"Vibrators are for lazy people."
-"Ahh Jennie...that one was a delayed reaction. Ahhh.."

Damn, I can't think of anymore. Feel free to add to it.
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