Jan 16, 2006 14:19
If Martin Luther King Jr. was alive today, he would have turned 77. I wonder waht he would say and do about the circumstances and realities affecting African Americans today, especially those in inner-city communties. Would King be pleased at our progress over the past three decades, or be greatly disappointed? I believe he would be dissapointed that we haven't progressed further toward his "dream".
He would disapprove of destructive behavior and debilitating actions of economic impoverishment, academic failure, unwemployment, under employment, poor work ethic, criminal activity, drug abuse, absent fathers, lack of parental supervision, teenage pregnancy, illegitimate births, speaking habits, dress codes, personal protocol and the like. He would want us to "live the dream...be the dream." He would challenge us. Believe in us, that we are brave enough, strong enough, tough enough and smart enough to get the job done.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and consientious stupidity"
-Revv. martin luther king jr.
Yes, Im a closet King fan. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!!