May 26, 2006 00:47
It never ceases to amaze me how at a cellular level every organism creates some degree of order out of a far more entropic environment. It also never ceases to amaze me to what degree this property fails to apply at the behavioral level. What exactly to I mean by this? Well, I mean that my apartment has been trashed.
Admittedly, I've been out of town for the entirety of each of the last two weekends, and admittedly, it is on the weekends when I take care of many tasks. Some tasks can only happen on weekends; others can happen then or during the week but get neglected during the week when other weekend tasks just don't get done. So, my apartment has fallen into lower and lower states of filth and disrepair. While surely my weekly mock-up of the German Blitzkreig, the Blitzkleen, is quite effective, its absence for a full fortnight doesn't do much for the living condition here.
So. I fixed it. Now it's very pretty, and I'm realizing just how little I have in the way of edibles. I need to make a run to Lam's, and I need to do it SOON. Buying my groceries from Safeway is absurdly expensive and I just can't afford it. I'm out of tofu, Japanese eggplant, apples of any variety, spinach/leaf lettuce, fresh corn, and various other essentials for this time of the year, not to mention my occasional fun food that I nab from them (berries, pineapple, Asian pears, nectarines, or other funfoods).
Speaking of food, WHERE WERE THE REST OF YOU BIOLOGY MAJORS AT THE FREE FOOD EVENT UNDERGRADUATE BARBEQUE TODAY? Damn, guys... it's not like they were forcing it down our esophaguses, but it's FREE FOOD. And I got some free organic veggies there... I never remembered how good *real* carrots tasted!
In other news, Systematic Botany (BIOL 317) has been changed to pass/fail grading in my case. I think I might as well fail the course because I need to differentially invest my time and resources in the two biggies I have... namely, ornithology and oceanography. I can't justify spending 25 hours in the next week memorizing plant families and botanical trivia for final exams and writing a final paper on the phylogeny of Family Caryophyllales when I could instead be working on my two oceanography papers, my oceanography symposium talk, two ornithology exams, ornithology nest cards, and that pesky molt project.
I shoulda dropped. Goddamn intensity with those other ten credits.