Mish mash

Feb 21, 2009 20:15

Work at the aquarium is hard.  Really hard.  I like people, but I hold so much contempt for them, and it makes me want to cry when it's obvious that they hold contempt for me in my role at the shop.  I can tell I've grown because I don't actually cry, I stoop down behind the counter to get a bag and I silently mutter what I'd really like to say to them and then I come up smiling.  Or at least grimacing.

Today a school group of teenagers came in, and they all had hundred and fifty dollar bills in their wallets.  They bought 50 dollar jewelery on very light whims.  One of them impulse spent the value of half the paycheck I just picked up.  It made me sick.

When I ask people if they need a bag, it makes me crazy when they say "sure".  For one thing, I say "need" because I want people to think about whether they actually do need a bag or not.  Most of the time when they say "sure" they really don't.  They have a tiny magnet, or a necklace, or something else equally tiny.  Furthermore, "sure" is not an appropriate answer to the question "do you NEED ______".  The word "sure", in this context, is equivalent to "well, why not?" which is not an appropriate answer to a question of need.

I am too pedantic to work retail.

Being at the aquarium and volunteering is easy.  I love it.  It feeds me.  I saw the sea otters mating today.  I think the females are on birth control, but oh god, I hope not.  A baby sea otter would be amazing.  I got to help a 2 year old little boy feed sea urchins.  He was very enthusiastic.  I learned that the pink sea star can stretch the tube feed around it's mouth/stomach up to 12 inches, and that it will position itself around a clam's siphon and then stretch it's tube feet down and pull the clam up.  Amazing.  I made friends with a tiny kelp green gunnel, and by "made friends" I mean I became totally obsessed with it, it's the cutest fish ever.  I learned about hooded nudibranchs.  etc. etc.

Kerenza makes me happy.  Tammy makes me happy.  They are very sweet ladies.  I feel let down by certain other individuals.

Yesterday I celebrated my anniversary with Dev (6 days late because of work) by packing a romantic picnic complete with wine glasses and sparkling cider and a rose and unveiled it on a ferry ride to Bainbridge Island.  I was quite pleased with myself, and it was fun to treat him.  He made me a fancy dinner on our actual anniversary.  Taking the day to be with each other was exactly what we needed- things have been a little off course and it felt like they righted themselves that day.

I want to buy lots of buiscuits and crisps and condiments and sweets from brtisuperstore.com.  I shall resist, but only because I'm poor.

I like my life, but there are several ways in which I would like it to improve.  I think the root of all of these is that I would like to not be a (semi) responsible adult.  And by that I mean that money is boring.  If I could somehow volunteer at the aquarium full time and not have to worry about monetary concerns my life would be 90 something percent perfect.

blah blah blah.

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