life, the universe, and everything

Dec 21, 2005 00:24

well, I guess I should make a real post since it's been some time, but it feels like every time I actually post, it's just to complain about things no one cares about.

Let's see, what's new? I learned that if you point the hour hand on your watch (for those who have analog watches) in the direction of the sun, then the angle half way between 12 o'clock and the hour hand points roughly south. I'm a nerd I know, but I thought it was interesting!

What else? oh yeah... today sucked. Well, technically yesterday... but until I goto sleep, it's still today as far as I'm concerned. Work was a nightmare... it was like, murphy's law working to its fullest. It starts yesterday, a customer wanted a few items that she couldn't pay for sine her card didn't have enough money in the checking, so she had to transfer funds before she could pay, so she said she come back tomorrow. I figured that since I'd be there fairly early the next day, I could just set her items in register 22. Who in their right mind would even look in register 22 since it's almost never used? Esther... that's who! I get in there today, and she's going on about how register 22 isn't a hold bay, and how a suspended transaction ends at the end of the day... etc etc. She was all, loss prevention was down here... everyone knew it happened... I covered for you the best I could... etc. Bologna! I tried tracking it down, and guess what... I had a really hard time finding ANYONE who knew a thing about it. She was all making me think I was going to get in trouble. I even talked to Loss Prevention to see if they knew anything about it... I had to explain what happened because he wasn't remotely aware of what had happened and he was the only person there all morning for Loss Prevention. I think Esther was totally blowing things out of proportion to make herself look better. Kinda like trying to take credit for something I mention to her a while back... The credit slips were printing the full credit card number which was at that time against the law, so I mention it to her, and she called the store director and acted like she was the one who noticed it. And then when she finally mentioned me, she just said something like... "it was brought to my attention that..." or something vague like that. She has done plenty more, but I am trying to just keep a smile on my face and not be too bothered.

I also finally found out who my secret santa person I have to give a gift to is. Which is great because the gifts are due tomorrow, and I was unable to find out what the person likes... which is annoying since I've never met him before. *sigh*. stupid relay crew. they are temps that I never see, so it's annoying to have to give a gift to one.

oh yeah.. back to the things I was holding for the customer... regardless of the fact they shouldn't have been held there, they were still on hold. She had no right to have them returned. if anything, she should have had them sent down to the hold bay. ug... enough about that...

on top of being busy and trying to do too much at once, the new checkstands were also determined to make life difficult. The new checkstands have three annoying traits. 1. They scan TOO well. ie. they scan items too many times, or when I'm putting the itme in the bag, then I keep needing overrides, though I guess you have to scan things a certain way with the new scanners which I haven’t been taught yet...*sigh* 2. The sensor to stop the belt is too far back, and it won't stop half the time and pulls everyone's items together! 3. the cusp thing on the checkstand, the thing that covers the area that the belt pulls toward, if that makes sense, likes to eat stuff. it's too high up so stuff can slide under it easily. it's eaten a few reward cards, and almost eaten a few birthday cards too... ug.

oh yeah... I also went to Starbucks for the first time. I promised the cute barrista that I would have her make me a good drink sometimes since I've never had Starbucks. (yes, it was just a cooincidence that she was cute). She ended up making me a peppermint mocha, or something like that... it was ok at first, but then I decided I really didn't like to too much. I guess I'm really not a coffee person... I'm going to still have to try the Chai tea sometime though. I hear that's good.

Well... plans for tomorrow...

1. Shop for Christmas presents.
2. call peeps.
3. probably something else I forgot.

that's it for tonight folks! hope I didn't bore you too badly! ya'll have a great day!
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