Entry of complete uselessness and unimportance. part II

Jan 20, 2006 19:38

School lately has been like... an alternate universe thing. everything feels so foreign. Things is CHANGEin.... do dee do..
So, today was pretty fun. Afterschool the comic book excursion was quite entertaining :) teehee! Then back to mi casa for chatting and planning. yay!! after amanda left, myka and i built a FORT!!! it was so awesome. unfortunetely i had to take it down cause it was taking up half my room. even though i said i'd leave it up all weekend.
weekend plans- this evening i am all aloney. on my owney. :'( cause all my friends (yeah all 3) have plans and my parents are at the opera. i shall clean the house, practice la cello, read, do laundry and... i dunno, make buttons or something. then the rest of the weekend i must: go jeans shopping, go driving with papi, make another FORT! get a haircut, PRACTICE, eat sushi... and go to that supplies store on Roosevelt. Joyous joy joy.

this was pretty much me talking to myself.
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