(no subject)

Dec 01, 2006 12:59

You say she the best thing that has hapened to you. But you lie to her, and cheat on her. You put her health in jepardy by lieing. You know damn well you have the virus and you lie to her and tell her you dont. You are a fucking scum bag. Ive seen the sores, and given you my meds, i KNOW you have it. It NEVER goes away, you have it for LIFE. And you know that!!! I told her about all the times you have cheated. Dont know if she believed me. I gave her pretty good details. I can describe your room quite perfectly, fromt he Dora pillow on your bed, to the clay tree next to the entertainment center. The i owe you birthday sex card on the wall, and the purple ridgid thing, dont knoe what it actually is hanging next to your door. From the fact that i was hiding in yourapt on 2 occasions. One when jon came home and the other when the guy came to help take apart the jeep. I told her what you tod jon while i was hiding, that the computer was broken and you ha to fix it. And then when he went into his room how i sneaked out the door. I told her about the bite mark on my neck that both emily and i think alan saw. I told her about the movie theater - which is hard to believe in its self - Who actually hs sex in a movie theater? I hope she believed everything. I apoligized for what i did to her, not you. I do want you back, but i still dont know why i would want someone that would lie, and cheat like that? I just dont get it. If you love someone why would you talk shit about them behind there back and cheat on them? You have never been faithful to anyone! And stupid me thought i could change that, i was wrong. It will take a miracle to change you. If you two stay together, i hope she can change you. But i know how much you love to be changed. Everything i did in the relationship i had a reason. I called you so much becuase i wanted to know who you were with and what you were doing. I know we were together most of the time, but i knew there was time for you to play when i was at school and work. I would love to believe you when you say that you never cheated on me, but i cant. I see how you treat steph now, and thank god its not me anymore. I would never want to inflict the shit you put me through on anyone. I hope steph will make the right decision for herself. If that choice is being with you, thats fine, i just hope it works this time. Stop lying to yourself!! You lie t o your self so much that i think you start to believe the lies.

I know i drove you away. And i honestly know that. They say things happen for a reason. You cheating is a sign that you havnt found the one yet. If you have you wouldnt need to cheat and lie. Go ahaead and coverthis whole thing up, like you always do. ITS NEVER YOUR FAULT. Well his time i let the cat out of the bag.

I dont care if you call me or not. Great if you do great if you dont. I will give you 70 tord the cell bill and thats it, the rest is all you. If the phones get shut off thats fine, i'll just get a new one quicker than i thought. Even steph told me that i shouldnt pay the phone bill.

Now would be a great time to sit and evalute your life. Think about it good nd hard and figure out what truly is important to you. I hope life works out for you.

I dont think its a good idea to be friends now, maybe later in life, but sure as hell not now. I'm sorry if you feel that i am meddling in your life. I'm only doing what i feel is right. I think cheaters are scum and couldnt do it anymore. I had to tell, and by the way on myspace that was the last message i was going to send to her, because i was going to call and tell her the truth anyways. If you love her she DESERVES to know the truth, and you shildnt deny her of that right.
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