Sep 17, 2010 20:32
[Rustling of grass is heard for a few moments, and then some mumbling:] ...under the tree in the meadow...? Wh- no, it's not, the breeze isn't nice enough.
[After a moment there's the sound of crunching underneath something.] Luceti. I'm back here now? [And with some slight sarcasm...] We must have found a way to get here via sleep. I never thought I'd be back. Perhaps it's for the better.
[Lu was put in the forest near the lake. Canon update ahoy for her, she's pretty exhausted/irritated/flipping science tables at the moment. Hojo's kind of a jerk. :|b]
my boss sucks,
no moar science plz,
return to hell,
not happy at all,
better hell than hojo!,
probably dreaming