Feb 27, 2006 16:57
I am all powerful.
I think my boyfriend is starting to lose interest in me and I don't know why! :( We have nicknames for each other and we love to spend all of our days together but lately it feels like he's being reluctant and something just seems off. How can I recapture the passion?
What your fella needs is a wake up call. Dump the git! Or, if that isn't your cup of tea... I guess you could talk about it. There are many ways to do this, both while intoxicated and while not. You just have to judge how best to make him spill what's up. If you don't want to that either, then make him remember why he likes you, relive the early days where you had fun and got to know each other. Last but not least, you'd be amazed at how shallow most guys are, lift your hemline.
I want to go down on my partner, but I don't have any experience at all with this sort of thing and I'm afraid I'm going to do something to mess up our whole relationship! How do you give a good blowjob?
Excellent question! It's nice to know people are concerned about the more important things in life. The key here is not experience, but a real willingness to do the job right, so to speak. You want to show your partner that you're as into it as he is. Get him to tell you what he likes and what he doesn't. I'm guessing you'll be able to tell, anyway. If he breaks up with you (he's insane), invest in some particularly nasty WWW's and go practice with someone else!
How do you tell someone that you really don't want to go out with them without seeming mean?
You sound like a nice person so I feel bad to burst your bubble, but if they're really into you and have been harbouring secret fantasies of the two of you out under the stars, it's going to hurt no matter what. Forget this mean business and get it done, you don't want to lead them on. If they like you, chances are they'll not want to speak to you, look at you, or be anywhere near you for a while - despite how well they may hide it. Do try to do it nicely - and somewhere private! But not so private they get their hopes up. The blow will be a little less devasting that way. Also avoid the cliches, 'it's not you, it's me' etcetera. That being said, if they're made of sterner stuff they'll be able to take it. Your best bet would to be honest. And don't gossip about it with your friends. Basic human decency, people!