[ It seems that Vatheon has been allowed to witness one of the Undertaker's many vices that he's developed over the years since littleCiel Phantomhive was born: smoking. He holds a long black
cigarette holder in his his bony, spidery hands as he puffs away. The smoke obstructs his view, but those bright green eyes are unmistakable. ]
My, my, my~
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Then, oh yes, then he took his hand to thumb beneath Undertaker's hair, tracing the nape of his neck. Pushing it aside while curling fingers to grip those long gray locks. And he pulled him, as if he were on a leash. He pulled him to stand, then a few feet before he yanked his wrist down so that Undertaker was made to get on his knees. Leading him properly with the pull of his hair. Wondering just how long the other would hold onto that precious weapon, that scythe. He didn't care, because this was not a battle..
This was a proper punishment. Punishment fit to lower heaven sent saints and hell risen demons, down a title, down that power (if only for this scene) Undertaker was his, completely.]
You hear it right?
[The scrapping of those long black nails to the floor, the slide of Undertaker's knees on the wood as it creaks in protest. The weight of which he pulls on the Reaper's hair. Sebastian was at a squat before the Undertaker, his eyes level with the other as his knuckles hovered just above the floor.]
This is my promise to you.. It is the beginning of your fall from your throne.. this is the sound of Shakespeare's dream.. this is the sound that makes clouds part and lightening strike.
This is befitting for absolutely nobody, the things I'm going to do to you.. will make God weep.. This is your Paradise Lost.
[He brought the end of the knife to raise Undertaker's chin, blowing on his face with hot breath, traced with cinnamon and .. wine. Blowing those bangs aside so he can peer into those bright green eyes. An unearthly vision.] It is the only thing that will suit yourself.. and I.
He smiled at Sebastian. His hand still gripping his Scythe. And he whispered in his hoarse, Death laced voice: ]
Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo.
[ The Undertaker's free hand snuck under his robes and tightened the cilice around his leg, listening to the barbs sink into his flesh, listening to the blood drip down his leg. He smiled. ]
My my.. [He stood, and pulled on the hair, yanking him down to lay on the ground. Face pressed to the ground with his (very hidden by his butler suit pants) his foot.] Don't take away such pleasures.
Now.. [Moving his shoe from the Undertaker's head he pulled the length of his hair to reveal the fading appearance of those pants to the butler's outfit.] Since your hands need something to do, finish undressing from that robe. [Right in sight of Sebastian's shoes and even further up his butler's outfit faded into his more appropriate, and ever sparkling one.]
Utque velis, daemon.
[ As you wish, demon ]
[ The Undertaker's spidery, bony hands slowly worked his black robe off, revealing his viciously bony and scarred back. His shoulder blade shifted under the fabric that was his pale skin...
Also, stop stealing the Undertaker's boots, Sebastian. God. ]
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