Cristina Marie. You're uber cool. I'm glad we got to become friends. Wow..any salsa song reminds me of you because of your great dancing. Cant wait for prom again this year. 7:42am because thats when we talked for the first time, and I always see you then lol. Powerful. You've got this strength about you that may make you intimadating, yet amazingly facinating at the same time. When you kissed my cheek <3. A cheetah...or leopard. Something feminine and sexy and cool. Will you make this yearbook the best one out of these three years and do you think I should be editor next year?
-ha i know im uber cool but thanx anyways :) -its merengue shit head! lol -you know you want me -intimidating my ass haha...ok maybe sometimes -cats are sexy but they're high maintenance(sp) like my sister -the old lady picks the editor child but i think it would be even more interesting w/ you and jasmine as co-editors cuz you guys are amazing together.
and she already talked to me about it same time she talked about the chicago trip. Are you going to make me in charge of anything special? =) (ANYTHING but faculty lol)
haha lmao ok paul w/e u say but im the latina around here remember? so HA! i dunno ill think of something cuz shes already got that crumbly kid for sports (IDK WHY THO! HES SOOO QUIET!) so ill deff think of something lol. faculty=um idk who lol
Wow..any salsa song reminds me of you because of your great dancing. Cant wait for prom again this year.
7:42am because thats when we talked for the first time, and I always see you then lol.
Powerful. You've got this strength about you that may make you intimadating, yet amazingly facinating at the same time.
When you kissed my cheek <3.
A cheetah...or leopard. Something feminine and sexy and cool.
Will you make this yearbook the best one out of these three years and do you think I should be editor next year?
-its merengue shit head! lol
-you know you want me
-intimidating my ass haha...ok maybe sometimes
-cats are sexy but they're high maintenance(sp) like my sister
-the old lady picks the editor child but i think it would be even more interesting w/ you and jasmine as co-editors cuz you guys are amazing together.
and she already talked to me about it same time she talked about the chicago trip. Are you going to make me in charge of anything special? =) (ANYTHING but faculty lol)
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