Schedules, schedules.
Good day, everyone! The amount of activity we've had this month has been marvelous, hasn't it? Comebacks, music videos, promotions, overseas trips - ah, I'm so proud of al of you for having not disappointed. However, this does not count as an excuse for neglecting to report to us; we'd like to see if you're able to carry out your work load for the month.
Those who have failed to update us are listed below, and if you would like to keep up with your activities with the company, we request that you update us soon. Just one post to the community, and you'll be listed down just fine.
These are the list of people:
rhymesfeintxbrawleryixingteadancingmachendorpstrengthzhenjiaoeyebaggagemiss_aileeleesungyeolgeniuspronedreamiestonewayticketriblingishpuzzlingtrickmarryyoudiademminmedmax Please be reminded that lifted hiatuses are not exempt from monthly activity, and after one week, all normal hiatuses will be reverted back into normal status unless advised otherwise.
This is only a warning, so please update us soon. We would hate to have to take you out!