Sep 01, 2006 23:52
Did anyone know that I really like vacuuming? That is probably strange to anyone who knows me at all, ‘cause one of the first things you learn about me is I’m not a very neat person (whether it comes to personal appearance or the tidiness of my residence.) but there’s something about seeing a messy floor one second (scraps of paper, residual string, crumbs, an occasional spot of dirt or clumps of cotton [that last part is a recent addition that comes along with owning a dog who’s toys last an average of five and a half minutes]) and nothing but clean carpet marred only by vacuum tread marks the next. I also like to be organized. That is probably a double shocker. I’m always buying date books and sorters, drawers and boxes. I hardly ever use them, because I have a slight follow through issue, but when I do, I very much like to stand back and look at the orderly collection of whatnots and say “that looks pretty good.”
One thing I could say about myself is as messy as I usually keep my stuff, I’m not usually DIRTY. I hate the idea of food, for instance being left about. Bread is one thing, or a closed jar of something that wont go bad. Something putrefying in a corner though is something that really turns my stomach. (although if the state of rot didn’t make someone reasonably ill I think there would be a problem there…) also while I have no problem with insects in general, (you know buzzing about outside, pollinating, removing naturally occurring debris holed up in various external locale) I don’t like to think of the little buggers (ha, get it? I suck…) tromping about (ants in army boots) in my house. INFESTATION. Isn’t that an ugly word? Can’t you just think about a thousand, thousand squirming, crawling , burrowing things saturating every square inch of space? Can’t you just FEEL it? … am I starting to sound a little obsessive here? I think I am. TIME TO CHANGE TOPIC!
It must be getting a little late (that wasn’t my topic change that was just me noting that my writing is getting a little wonky. Come to think of it this will be my topic change) but I’m going to have to get use to some late hours when I go overnights. (my transitions would go a lot smoother, I think, if I didn’t have this incessant parenthetical commentary, but you love it, god damn it, and you can‘t get enough!) I start the 9th , the same day I’m going to my grandmother’s (“Nana“, for those who know her best) birthday party. I think it’s her 75th but I might be wrong.
My cousin’s daughter has head lice. Oz got out of the create tonight. I need to drink more water. Tucker’s baby looks like me. Jay got his promotion (yay!) someone tried to steal his identity (boo!) I broke my ipod’s protective case in less that two weeks. I accidentally bought a Kafka collection when I already had all the stories in it. I keep a teeny notebook for random thoughts and writing notes that I never use. I have the journal title(s) “E money is a queen” or “suckling the bitch” on a post it in my bathroom. If you ever see “I” capitalized in my journal it’s because I wrote it in Word first and it automatically corrects lower case “I”s. I bought a tower fan and it wiggles when it works (BWAhaHAHaha!! “wiggles when it works”!!!)
Ok, I’m done.