Cece and I are thinking of doing a triple so that our room can have a balcony. Cece's been reading about cruises and believes that exterior rooms will help in preventing seasickness. We are not sure if we are going completely yet but if you're still looking, we're interested in your roomate skillz!
I still don't know if I can go, I must talk to my parents more in the next few days but Cece is raring to go and I'd really like to. If you're both interested in maybe getting a better cabin whilst saving some $$ we'd be willing to do a quad. We <3 teachers :) You can maybe write us more if you want to cece (bpteamcece at aol dot com) or me (oh_sweet_irony at yahoo dot com)! yay!
I've also heard that geting a room that is NOT towards the front of the boat helps with seasickness. I don't know if it's true, but worth a shot.
I'll try to keep my odors and other guy-ish behavior to myself!
Also, I just found out I'm in group 1. Don't know what group you are, but if it's a later group, perhaps we can work something out.
Teachers unite! :)
Would you mind rooming with more than one person?
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