51: I have the vague feeling my nose is bleeding down my throat

Dec 04, 2004 09:17

I would like to point out that I have used the word "thou" 14 times (supposedly) and "Blair" cracked the top 100. Goal for the next 50 posts:
Use words like 'ratzafratza' or 'monster' or 'squishy' or 'dingalingadingdong' a lot more. a lot more

On another note, my computer has passed The Point of No Return. (notice, if you please, the scary choir music) I attampted to install on my computer some sort of reputable program that my father went out and bought from Comp USA that was supposed to eliminate the thousands of spyware programs I have on my computer.

I couldn't install it. That's how bad my computer is. It couldn't take it's own medicine. And my father, the valiant optimist, says (at 10 o'clock at night, after I've tried 3 times and spent the time arranging my CD collection into an empty clementines box) "Let me go try". Forseeing that this will at least another hour and I wanted to go to bed, I told him to look at it sunday when I come back from mom's.

Anyway, think I'm going to the 'Snowball Semi-Formal' next Saturday. Anyone want to be my date to my first school dance since 7th grade? It's only 25 bucks a couple (I figure if I go this year, I won't hvae to do anything else for the rest of high school)

Off to the BibleQuizzers meet!
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