You Are a New School Democrat
You like partying and politics - and are likely to be young and affluent.
You're less religious, traditional, and uptight than most Democrats.
Smoking pot, homosexuality, and gambling are all okay in your book.
You prefer that the government help people take care of themselves.
What political persuasion are you? So I saw the Incredibles just now and picked up the stuff to make "Girlie Man (over Bush's head)" Ts. Technically, my mom paid for everything but I'll let that slide. T.I was ok- cute, some good one liners, nice animation, likable characters (except one or two). The vosie seemed to fit and all- on a scale of 1 to 10 it was probably about a 6.5.
I should be working on writing a poem based on Ethan Frome themes to be read to the "liebstod" from Tristan und Isolde because I'm really that artsy. Or I have to fake it. I also should be working on my "novel" for National Novel Writing Month or whatever sadistic thing it is that Yolanda got me to sign up for. I should really work on mind control. Not to mention I have a history paper do next Monday which I haven't studied yet and a week's worth of Physics homework.
Yet I find myself here.
*Suddenly Today We Can Dream Rutha Rosln (South African poet for a USdollar. Seemed worth it)
*The Little Prince Antoine Saint- Exupery (I have it in Deutsch but now that I'm reading the English version, the german kind of makes sense and it's insanely easier to read)
*The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe- C.S. Lewis (I wanted to reread it)
*Dubliners/Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce (5 USdollars- seemed worth it)
and about six thousand more. None of which I've finished. Bad form Courtney. Bad form indeed.