(no subject)

May 05, 2005 15:09

here's a list of 10 things we can all do to apparently be REALLY REALLY COOL

  1. Take dieting pills for the sole purpose of getting fucked up (because everyone else is doing it)
  2. wear bright obnoxious clothing because you think its stylish...when it really makes you look like a hobo
  3. change the kind of music you listen to every 30 seconds
  4. call other kids scenesters when your nick name has the words "too cool for the scene" in it
  5. hypocritically callother people spoiled brats.....when they are clearly not...and you clearly are.
  6. accuse a boy that has always been genuine and never lied to you of things that he would never ever do
  7. not admiting that indeed you are the one who has changed....not ALL your friends...it would be a bit too much of a coincidence if everyone of of them changed...and you stayed the same.
  8. tell someone they're "the epitome of a loser" because they dropped out of highschool.  and because they are in a band.  when in fact he's smarter then you'll ever be....he GRADUATED...and he has more talent in his little finger then you have in your pathetic little mind.
  9. accuse a boy of thinking with his dick, and being an asshole, and never caring about you...just because he doesnt want to hook up with you anymore...he doesnt feel like driving your pathetic ass around...and he'd rather buy GRATEFUL people pot.
  10. have sex with senses fails guitar tech and then obsess over him for over a year when he never cared about you in the first place.

i never did anything to merit me any form of accusation expecially not from you

you might not see it....but clearly you're the one who's changed (not all of us)

go get arrested for driving daddy's car without a liscence

stop hanging out with stupid obnoxious russian cunts

never talk to me again, you arent worth my time

grow up

i cant believe i EVER had feelings for you
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