May 20, 2006 16:06
I just got home from the hospital. I was there all morning, and into the afternoon. Fun times. My heart got down to about 36 bpm (normal is between 68 and 89) then rocketed up to about 140 bpm in less than two minutes. it was scary. Today was my first time riding in an ambulance. It's not fun. I had the shakes really bad the whole way there. I got pricked with three different needles *shudders* and had a whole bunch of blood drawn. But, there is good news, I was worried about my thyroid levels, and they are fine! I was so happy about that, that for a moment or two I actually forgot that I couldn't use my right hand. It was weird when they asked me to sign stuff, cuz i can't do cursive with my left hand. (they had a huge needle in my right hand, it was an inch into the vein. I almost passed out when they put the needle in me) I think i'm gonna wear the ER bracelet until it falls off on its own.
Bleh. Scary stuff. I hate hospitals. I'm gonna go. I love you guys.