!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) HEY GUYS!!! YAYAYAY~!! Guess what this post is about?!!!
FjksdhfsdnfvkdjsfsdfjsdkgfsfLVOELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVEEEEE. I know I talk a lot of shit about how much I love House and VMars, and I know that they're better shows, but SERIOUSLY. Supernatural is my favourite show on television right now. For all its faults, plot-holes, and sloppy writing, I love it like Ashley Simpson loves her nosejob (ie: A LOT). IDEAL IDEAL IDEALLY PERFECT PREMIERE. LOVE.
-One thing though: Dean was seriously DISTRACTING. I'm not even joking. At some points I was just zoning out staring at him-- and I know that sounds creepy and shallow and stupid, but do you think you could try to tone it down, Jensen? I'm trying to watch a show here.
-And Sam, I still have gripes with the way his character is presented, but I think I've grown to love him more since the finale, because he's almost at the same level with Dean at this point. (I SAID ALMOST, PEOPLE.)
-THE METALLICAR!!! That's one check off my wishlist already, and Dead!Daddy is a second. I know that sounds AWFUL, but as soon as they started making him nice and saving-Dean, I knew he was going to bite it. I was grinning all the way through the episode, what with Dean yelling at him and then Sam bitching him out, and now it's spoiled by me feeling guilty. OKAY NOT REALLY. I have MAJOR issues with John Winchester and those won't go away just cause he was willing to die for Dean.
-The second I saw the paper bag Sam had I yelled out "OUJII BOARD" LoveloveLOVED that scene. THE WAY THEIR HANDS WERE ALL CUT UP fsjfksdjfsdnfl!!
-The girl who played the reaper looked so familiar, but I couldn't place her until I looked at the coffee table beside my and saw the OTH S2 DVDs. She played Haley's sister Taylor is a couple of episodes, and was smoking hot, but browned haired, there.
Anything else I have to say has been said by someone else already, probably better than I ever could. I can't wait for next week, though :))
I saw episode one of Doctor Who and I really wasn't that impressed, but I keep dreaming about the show and about Rose, so I guess that's my subconcious telling me I should watch it. I've DLed the second episode of Series One and I'm watching it right now.
I'm working on a giant recc. post to guide
adnilab into the fandom, so that should show up in a day or two.