Nov 13, 2003 21:40
hi. wow isn't irene the greatest for making my jounal pretty? thanks irene!! carnival tomorrow. yay? as long as it doesn't rain i'll be happy. i can't stop listening to the used!!! they've been in my car for days, and now i found that their website has a player so now i'm listening to it while i do homework. they are just so great. i'm glad i got to see them live. hey renes remember that concert? it rocked so hard. sigh. ah concerts. omg we had a terrible ant attack today. my mom called for me to get the dog and keep her away from the raid, and i round the corner and.....they were ALL over the laundry room floor. i mean, pouring out from under my dog's food bowl, which she was still eating from. they were also making their way down the hall. i mean there must have been thousands of ants. so i grab the dog and i soon realize that there are ants all over her. i mean, on her head, back, legs, crawling all over her snout. she must have eaten like 20 ants from just standing there and licking her nose. it was sooo terrible. so after applying like an inch of raid on the floor of the laundry room, and shaking snapple off in the bath tub, we got rid of most of the ants. for the moment. they'll be back. they always come back. k anyway thanks again irene!!! oh yah and haha that entry u wrote was SO ME!! -cc