Avengers Assemble (right into the bedroom)

Jul 18, 2009 21:42

I'm starting to think that dear ol' Mr. Osborn's Avengers are-- well, words don't do it justice, but they're all pretty damn sexy. Usually the high-and-mighty bad guy teams are sexy in some way, shape or form, but I mean. What? (Um, Daken, obviously, but I adore Victoria's hair and Noh-Varr, do I really need to elaborate? Oh, and then there's that "Daken Akihiro, I am Norman Osborn. This is Ares, God of War." Titles. I can't get over it.) Thankfully the kinkmeme is providing very nicely.

On an entirely unrelated note: What do you think male streetwalkers would wear? *coughRemycough* All I can come up with is open shirts and tight jeans, and I'd like some variety, but is the only other option putting him them in spandex and glitter? (or, alternately, Adam's wardrobe? actually that's kind of a good idea-- NO BAD)

Combat boots, I'm thinking. Eyeliner?

char: daken, gambit the prostitute, fandom: dark avengers

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