
Oct 08, 2004 19:20

It's crazy to think how quickly things can change.

In love, out of love

Brave, weak.

Fragile, strong.

Together, alone.

Happy, unhappy.

One minute you're one thing, and something changes and so do you. And when you watch someone you love can be so amazing. Someone perceived as negative or delicate can prove the opposite in one move, one conversation.  And even if you knew it - really believed it - you've never seen it like this. Someone else can be so caring and kind and become so hurtful and mean. When it counts most. And it blows you away and it disappoints you. It makes you wonder what you've been seeing, and why. It scares you. Selfishly, you hope deperately that you'll never have to feel that, that you'll never have to change like that. Then you remind yourself that you won't. And it won't. You remind yourself how unbelievably lucky you are to know that and to feel that. That fear gives everything a whole new dimension. Then that feeling changes.

Deep, deeper.

Now things are changing closer to home and you're not just watching someone else any more. You're feeling something else. What you didn't think could grow any stronger or more loving has. And you don't know why. Things change so quickly. And a difficult situation, even a bad situation, shouldn't make you feel good, but it does. It makes you so thankful for what you have. You see what someone is capable of doing and how deeply they care. You understand what it feels like to hold someone's hand through something that you can't change. And you see them hurt and you hurt. You see a side of caring that you've never had to see and it brings you closer. You admire the courage and the honesty. You are proud of the morals and the sense of what's right and what's wrong. You become more sure of what they feel, and amazed that you could love them more. You feel closer. You didn't think that was possible, but it is.

Love, more than love.

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