Lets see what i did this week...
Monday..i went to werk after TO..that sucked monkey balls..
Tuesday..i took the day off...slept all day..very non-productive..my kinda day
Wednesday..went to werk..had a gay ass meeting..didnt get out til like 8..went up north and frolicked..
Thursay..went to the nets game..and i met the greatest knick (after gool ol' 33)..willis reed..i almost soiled my draws..i took a picture with him..ill post it with TO pics as soon as my stupid compooter is running again..
after that..i went to playdrome in jc..havent been there in years..i felt relatively old..but the so did the people i was with so it was all good..
Friday..was sooo sleepy during werk..but i finally got my mobo back..yeah baybee!(in austin powers voice)
so i was supposed to go to
jaykay831's place to install all my new mobo, vid card ram n stuff..but then my lazy ass fell asleep after i got home..i didnt wake up til 8 in the morn..when i had to go back to werk bc i missed tuesday..werk on saturdays is fun..for me to poop on..
so now that brings us to saturday night..im about to watch chicago..i hope i dont turn gay..hopefully its like moulin rouge and ill like the gayness..
so that's it for now..nothing really profound to say..