love will overcome...

Jul 27, 2005 03:44

Today I saw my friends and co-workers Joe (age 62) and Megan (age 19) giving each other a friendly hug. I walked to the front counter and said, "You know, I never get a warm, friendly embrace like that!" So I gave Joe a big hug; it put a smile on his face that could only be outdone by mine when he hugged me back.

I relate this to you because moments like that make me happy to be alive. Unfortunately, in the type of environment to which I am now acclimated, it has become difficult to share those types of moments. People are so afraid to be huggers. There are so many implications tied to hugs when there shouldn't be. When I hug my friends, my message is simple: "I am happy that you are my friend. I love you and I care about you." I think people would be happier if they hugged more.

By the same token, I could do well to smile a little more often. At work, I come off as angry or pensive; I've come to this conclusion because I have been asked if I'm all right almost 30 times in the past four days. For my part, I am trying to practice more patience with people, and I am trying to be more polite. I hope this is reflected in my conversations with you later down the road.

It has been over a week since I posted my plan towards self-improvement, and I am not quite following the path. I haven't had a soft drink or an alcoholic beverage. Eliminating these two things has been my main focus, and thus far, I have been doing just fine without them. I don't crave either thing--not that I ever craved a soda anyway--and I haven't let anyone talk me into having one. I can't say that I haven't had any fast food, because I have, but I have cut back tremendously. And the cigarettes... well, that's where I've lost my way. With Diana with me for the next week-and-a-half, though, I think I will be back on track.

I pick up Diana tomorrow!!

Since I know someone (Diana) will ask, when I hug a family member, my message is "I am happy that you are family. I love you and I care about you," and when I hug Diana, my message is "I am happy that you are my girlfriend. I love you so much and I wish I never had to let go."
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