Apr 06, 2006 12:35
Dear Amy:
This is in response to the letter from the young wife whose husband objected to the use of individual, twin-size comforters on their larger, shared bed.
During a trip to Bavaria several years ago, I found the hotel beds to be similarly outfitted. It seems a sensible solution to having one partner roll over and pull the covers off the other.
S.M. Foster in Iowa
AMY: Those Bavarians. First the chocolate and now this? Brilliant!
So, if I follow you here, what you're saying, Reader is, because the Bavarians do it, the young wife who originally wrote in is wrong (and an idiot), and Dear Amy, your backing Reader up? Clearly, people who make good chocolate are right about EVERYTHING. EVER.
Why do I hate Dear Amy and the people who ask her advice so much?
dear amy