You're So Sweet To The Touch (S/A)

Jan 21, 2012 16:50

Title: You’re So Sweet To The Touch (S/A)
Author: underapaperm00n
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After a few minutes, Alex starts letting out small nosies, squeaks and choked-off moans of pleasure as Jack moves his slick fingers around, pressing and digging at all of his pressure points.
Prompt: 5. Oil ( 50 kinky ways table)
Disclaimer: I own everything and i live in Narnia. Neither of those things are true. Title cred to sparks the rescue. Cut cred to brighten
Warnings: uhhh. i guess jack in denial? and blowjobs and rough sex and both of them bottom
A/N: So i’m kind of playing around with writing styles and trying out new things. i kind of really love this?
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“Thank you guys so much, I love you!” Alex yells to the crowd, falling into a deep bow for the last time as the lights blare into his face and the fan girls scream, a wall of bright, blinding light and a tidal wave of sound smashing into him, leaving him with an elated feeling of success, joy, and adrenaline.

The feeling of happiness swims in his veins, ignites his bones and alights him with a blazing fire of passion. His sore feet and aching back don’t trouble him, the raw feeling in his throat doesn’t come. He walks back stage, sweaty and stumbling, flopping into the comfortable, almost over stuffed armchair placed in the middle of the green room. The band filters in, faces adorned with wide, goofy smiles, listening to the roaring tidal wave of yells. They’re over come with a feeling of pride, because all those kids out there, they’re yelling for them. They’re yelling and screaming for these four dorky guys from Maryland, who started up a band kind of as a joke in high school, never imagining they’d be here, backstage, with thousands of fans yelling their names.

The adrenaline drains from his body slowly, leaving him with an aching, exhausted body. Jack comes over and flops onto him, a mass of sweaty limbs. He groans as a sharp pain shoots up his back, trailing up his spine like multiple stabs. Jack frowns as he grabs onto his neck so he doesn’t fall, “‘s wrong ‘Lex?” he asks, wide innocent eyes flashing up at Alex.

Alex shakes his head, sending a spray of sweat from his hair. Jack doesn’t mind, because he’s sweaty, too, so a few drops don’t make much of a difference. “Back hurts,” Alex says simply, eyes squishing closed as he shifts, trying to find a comfortable position. It doesn’t work, and the sharp pain shoots up and down his back, racing like galloping horses.

Jack gasps, “Oh my gosh! I can totally help my mom was a chiropractor and taught me how to do things!” He yells, jumping off Alex’s lap, “But, I’ll need a hard flat surface...” He trails off, fingers pinching his chin as he struts back and forth, brain working hard.

“Ah!” He shouts, “We can steal the big room from Matt! And he’ll totally do it because I have so many embarrassing things over him! I’ll go find him, hang on.” He practically runs out, long legs stretching far as he speed walks.
Five minutes later, to Alex’s relief, Jack comes in, smiling. He scoops Alex up in his arms, bridal style, causing Alex to squeak in surprise, having been shaken from his daydreams. He notices it’s Jack and relaxes, and tries desperately to ignore the pain. He fails. Horribly.

Jack puts him down lightly on his feet, and they walk the two blocks from the venue to the hotel they’re staying at. Fingers point and lips curl up, tongues move and form meaningless words.

They walk through the exquisitely designed lobby, into the elevator, framed in fake gold. Jack chooses the ‘7’ button amongst the collection on the wall. Slinking against the wall as the doors close, leaving them the only occupants in the small area.

Jack smiles at him, a genuine one that reaches his eyes. Alex glances over at him, confused and suspicious, “What?” He asks.

Jack shakes his head and jumps up slightly, muttering, “Nothing,” and looking down to try and hide the red that’s creeping over his face. Alex pretends not to notice it, but he does. He’ll ask about it later when he’s not in pain.

Once in the room, the boys look around and smile, because it’s huge and Matt probably hates them for taking it. Jack walks to the window and flicks the curtains out of the way, gasping at the breath-taking view of the sparkling city.

The lights twinkle and glow against the black of the night , the cars rush by in a blur of red and white light, and airplanes fly over head, streaking flashing red. “‘Lex, come look at this view,” he says, slightly breathless.

Alex comes over, shirt already off and jeans unbuttoned. He admires the view, eyes shining, reflecting the lights. Jack sneaks sideways glances at him, admiring his smile. Alex can be so adorable some times, with his big shining eyes and crooked, British teeth, and Jack just wants to hold him and pet his hair.

When Jack realises what he was just thinking, his eyebrows come together and he looks out the window, just to look away from Alex. He does not want to cuddle Alex. He is straight. Alex isn’t, Alex is bi, but Jack is straight. The only gay encounters he’s had was when he was drunk.

Apparently, he had fucked some guy with long hair, but he doesn’t remember it at all. He remembers seeing him standing awkwardly across the room at a party, he remembers drinking his weight in alcohol, and he vaguely remembers someone handing him another drink as they led him upstairs, but his vision was blurry. The next thing he remembers was waking up, alone and naked in a foreign bed.

He remembers a few times where he’d made out with Alex drunk, may it be as a dare, for gay chicken, or just because they were drunk and they fucking could. Nevertheless, Jack was straight. He didn’t want to cuddle Alex.

Said man turns around tugging his pants down, muttering something about a shower. Jack just waves his hand in acknowledgement at him, keeping his eyes glued to the glass. His eyes focus on different things, one minute the city, the next the reflection, watching Alex shimmy out of his underwear. He feels his pants tighten and he closes his eyes, squishes his eyebrows together, and frowns. He’s seen Alex naked plenty of times before. Granted, that was on the bus with all the other guys. He’d never been alone with a naked Alex.

And then that thought takes over his mind, and his mind is plagued with the images of Alex underneath him, squirming and yelling his name as he thrusts into him. Even better, Alex on top of him, pressing into him and hitting his prostate, just as his hand flicks over his dick, twisting and tugging.

Jack shakes his head and opens his eyes, hoping to make the images go away. They don’t. Of fucking course they don’t. Come on, Jack, he thinks, get your shit together, man. So, with thoughts of his parents fucking, his grandmas naked body, and many other disgusting things, he gets his boner to go down, just as Alex walks out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist.

There’s water dripping from his hair and down his shoulders, sliding down the dip in his back, over his chest and down his legs. Jack really wants to lick it off.

Wait. What. No. Jack does not want to lick it off. Jack is straight. Jack likes girls. Jack doesn’t want to fuck Alex. He tells himself that, over and over, trying to ingrain it in his mind. Why he’s suddenly so turned on by Alex, he has no clue. He writes it down to being lonely and wanting someone else to get him off, but deep, deep down, buried in the depths of Jack’s heart, there’s a part of him, a part of him he doesn’t even know about, that’s always seen something more in Alex.

He had always taken it as having similar personalities, but that tiny, buried part of him knew it was more. Slowly, over the years, that tiny, buried part had started to expand, forcing it’s knowledge on the rest of Jack’s body. It hadn’t reached his brain yet, apparently, but it had definitely told his dick it’s message.

So, after they had worked all the small issues in their plan out, and Alex was laying face down on the bathroom counter, only covered by a small, white towel, Jack was totally and royally fucked.

He takes the bottle of massaging oil, which he’s embarrassed to say why he has it, so he’s glad Alex doesn’t question his possession, and squirts some of the yellow-ish liquid into his hands. His unsure hands move to Alex’s back, beginning to work them around just like his mother had taught him.

His fingers trail the dip in his back, pressing hard into the skin. Then he moves them to his shoulders, moving his thumbs and fingers separately, digging them into Alex’s sore muscles. After a few minutes, Alex starts letting out small nosies, squeaks and choked-off moans of pleasure as Jack moves his slick fingers around, pressing and digging at all of his pressure points.

Jack does this thing with his hands on Alex’s lower back, right in the dip, where he pushes with his palms and kneads his fingers, working out the kinks in Alex’s back. He hits one specific spot, and Alex yells, curls his toes and moans and Jack does it over and over, savoring the sounds falling out of Alex’s mouth.

Alex groans low and deep in his throat, growls Jack’s name, and pushes back up into his hands, loving the way they slip over his skin, aided by the oil. Jack, on the other hand, is so hard it’s starting to hurt. As an act of desperation, he thrusts roughly into the counter, resulting in him accidentally hitting Alex’s thigh. His eyes go wide and his fingers come to a halt, face turning a bright, tomato red.

Alex hides his face and smirks, then clears his face, with effort, and turns back to Jack, hoping to look innocent, “Is something wrong, Jacky? You were doing so good,” He watches as Jack swallows and shakes his head, moving to work on Alex’s back again.

Alex relaxes on the counter and smirks to himself, letting extremely exaggerated moans fall out of his mouth, “Oh my god, Jack, oh do that again, o-oh Jaaaack, har-harder right there, ugh, yes there o-oh.”

He knows he’s having an effect on Jack, because his fingers get sloppy and slightly shaky. With a fake sigh, he sits up, dangling his legs over the counter, “Jack, what’s wrong?” He says, frowning wide and innocent at him.

Jack just kind of looks at him, a look of incredibility and skepticism, and Alex can’t help it, he lets the laughter bubble up in his chest and spill over, filling the air. Jack glares at him, “You little fucker!” he yells, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing.

Alex rolls his eyes at him, then reaches out to grab his shoulders. He pulls a very reluctant Jack towards him, until he’s pressed against the counter between his legs. He wraps them around Jack’s back, reaching his arms up to pull him closer. “Here, I’ll make you a deal. Since you made me feel so good, I’ll make you feel good, too.”

His hands flit to the bottom of his shirt, tugging it up and pulling it off when Jack lifts his arms. Alex pulls him close and brings their lips together, clinging to him with his legs and knotting his hands in his hair, twisting them in the ebony locks.

Jack’s thumbs sooth circles into his hips and dig into his back, pull him close and push the small of his back towards Jack. He lets his fingers rub into Alex’s back, still slightly smooth with oil, right where Alex’s back had been hurting. Alex arches his back into his chest and moans into his mouth, tugging on his hair.

His tongue flicks out to Jack’s bottom lip again and again, impatient and waiting for entrance. Eventually, Jack opens his mouth, letting Alex take control and swish his tongue around his mouth. They’re both groaning into the kiss, pulling one another closer and closer, chest to chest.

Alex lets one of his hands slip from Jack’s hair, and moves it down to palm him through his jeans. Jack gasps into Alex’s mouth, pulling back slightly. Jack is straight. Jack likes girls. When Jack voices this, Alex rolls his eyes, “Yeah, and you’re totally hard right now from me moaning and kissing you and palming you. Now shut up and kiss me again, you loser.”

Jack just shakes his head and stumbles backwards. To his dismay, Alex follows him, sliding off the counter and walking him backward until he hits the opposite wall. Despite Jack being taller, Alex traps him with his arms and leans back up to kiss him again.

For a second, Jack tries to pull back, but only for a second, and then he’s kissing back, wrapping his arms around Alex’s hips and pulling him tight against his chest. He grabs the underside of his thighs and lifts him up, walking back and roughly putting him back on the counter.

Alex likes this angle better; he’s taller than Jack from the counter, and he can wrap his legs tight around his waist. They start making out again, tongues moving together as the moan into each other’s mouths. For a second time, Alex drops his hand down to palm Jack through his jeans, and isn’t met with resistance this time. He pops the button and unzips them, careful to keep their lips together. He shoves them down his thighs, and Jack pulls apart for a second to take them off, along with his boxers.

When he comes back to Alex, he unwraps the towel that’s around his hips, and lets it fall down so that he’s still sitting on it, but it’s not covering him. He reattaches their lips, immediately opening his mouth to allow Alex’s tongue. Just as their tongues touch, Alex grabs his dick and slowly jerks him off, causing him to moan, low and long and needy. Alex pulls away for a second, scrambling around until his fingers close around the oil.

He squirts the liquid onto his fingers, then moves them around the back of Jack. “Ready?” He whispers against Jack’s neck. Shakily, Jack replies, “Y-yeah.” Knowing this is Jack’s first time, Alex eases the finger in slowly, eliciting a hiss from Jack. He keeps it still for a minute, then starts to slowly move it, giving Jack plenty of time to adjust to the intrusion.

When he thinks Jack is ready, he adds a second, getting a sound of discomfort. He scissors his fingers, stretching Jack slowly. When he adds the third, Jack doesn’t even make a sound of pain, just starts to rock back onto his fingers.
When Jack starts growling at him that he’s ready, Alex pulls his fingers out. Jack whines at the loss, but Alex ignores him. He squirts more oil on his hand and starts to slick himself up, whimpering in pleasure. They move around so that Jack is bent over the counter, feet on the ground and chest flat on the smooth surface and Alex is standing behind him.

He lines everything up and slides in slowly, murmuring soothing words in Jack’s ear. Jack is suddenly in so much pain that he feels like he’s being ripped apart from the inside out, and he’s tempted to tell Alex to just get out of him so he can curl into a ball and cry. But, being the stubborn idiot he is, he persists through it, taking deep breaths through his nose and exhaling through his mouth. He squeezes his eyes shut and fights off the forming tears, following Alex’s directions to just relax, don’t clench up, just relax.

Alex is pressing kisses to his upper back and the back of his neck, and he snakes his hand around to jerk Jack off. After a few minutes, Jack mutters, “J-just mo-move.” Alex does as he’s told, moving out and in slowly, readjusting his hips, trying to find that one spot that would make Jack forget all the pain. When he does, Jack swears he sees stars it feels so good, and the pain rushes out and is replaced by pleasure, the kind of pleasure that course through his veins and clouds his brain, turns his bones to mush and electrifies his nerves. He literally screams, begging Alex to do that again and harder.

Happy that he’s not hurting Jack anymore, Alex pulls out and slams back in over and over, groaning as he’s surrounded by the wet warmth that is Jack. Jack is really thankful for the counter, because he’s pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to stand if it wasn’t there supporting him.

After warning Alex he’s going to come, he feels Alex’s hand start to work his dick, twisting and flicking and pulling all the stops. Jack comes all over the counter and his own stomach and chest, moaning incoherent, deformed words. He unintentionally clenches hard around Alex, shoving him over the edge as well. Alex rides out their orgasms, thrusting in and out messily. Alex collapses against Jack, who collapses against the counter, both sweaty and panting again.

But this time it’s a good kind of sweat, and neither of them are complaining as they breathe heavy and hard, not moving, just catching their breaths and coming back to reality. Alex presses a kiss to Jack’s neck and pulls out slowly. “Wow,” Jack says, still not moving and breathing hard. Alex huffs out a laugh, “Isn’t fucking guys so much better?” He ask, already knowing Jack will agree. He shakes his raven-colored mop of hair, nodding and moving to stand up straight. He’s kind of amazed he can do it, seeing as how he didn’t trust his knees. Alex steps toward him, placing a hand on his chest, palm flat against his skin. He leans in to whisper into Jack’s ear, letting his warm breath fan out across Jack’s neck and face, “God, I’m so dirty. Shower with me?” He asks slowly, letting his hand move across his chest, bringing his nipple between his fingers and working it gently.

Jack just nods, leading him by his hips to the shower. They step in and Jack turns the hot water on. Their lips come together and their tongues move against one another under the steaming water that falls over them in sheets, glistening in the artificial lights. Their skin glimmers in the water as they grind against each other, tangling their tongues. They break away for air and Jack leans in, brings his earlobe between his teeth, then whispers, “This time, baby, I’m topping.”

At that, Alex jerks his hips forwards, and moans lightly. Jack smirks and sinks to his knees, leaving his face level with Alex’s dick. He takes it into his mouth, lapping at the underside and jacking off what he can’t fit into his mouth.

Alex moans, a low growling sound in his throat. Jack holds his free hand up in the water so that it gets wet with the hot water, then snakes his hand around. He slips a finger in, moves it around a little, then quickly another, knowing Alex can take it. Of course he’s right; Alex had learned to take the pain when it comes, eventually bucking into his mouth, then rocking back on his fingers, moaning like it’s his job.

“J-jack I'm gon-gonna come, o-oh my god,” Alex says, tangling his hands in Jack’s wet hair and tugging him off. Jack grabs his hips and turns him around so fast Alex slips, but Jack’s strong, sturdy hands keep him in place. The next thing he knows, he’s shoved up against the shower wall so hard he has to turn his head so he doesn’t break his nose.

He groans his enthusiasm at the idea of Jack taking him rough. Jack scrapes his teeth lightly over Alex’s neck as he slams into him, only getting a slight sound of pain, but Alex tries to repress his discomfort.

Jack grabs Alex’s hair and pulls his head back, exposing his Adam's apple as he whispers dirty promises in his ear as he slams in, angling his hips until he finds Alex’s prostate. Alex kind of falls against him, his knees having failing him, scraping his nails against the tiled wall.

The water starts to make everything steamy, creating a hazy smoke effect. It also makes it even harder for the boys to breathe, so Jack fumbles with knobs until it’s still warm, but not steaming. He keeps slamming into Alex’s prostate, leaving him an incoherent mess.

Jack stops slamming in, instead just grinding on his prostate, slow and hard. Alex comes without even being touched, yelling out Jacks name so loud it hurts his throat.

Jack drags his nails down Alex's back as he comes, deep inside him. When they come down from their highs, they're smiling and panting. They let the water rush over them and clean them off, lather up tags and rid themselves of the dirt and sweat. When they're both clean, they climb out and dry off. They pull on boxers and towel dry their hair, then collapse against the bed.

Alex reaches out and snuggles into Jacks side, and Jack wraps his thin arms around Alex and he's just about to fall asleep when it hits him. He just fucked his best friend. Twice. And now they're cuddling.

He starts squirming away from Alex, trying not to wake him. Alex’s eyes start to flutter open, not fully awakening but just slipping from his dreams.  Jack freezes, but it’s too late; Alex has already been stirred from his dreams of random things.

“Don’t over think it,” he mumbles, his lips moving against Jack’s neck. Jack bites his lip, “It’s not that easy, ‘Lex. You’re my best friend. I don’t even like guys I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” He starts to pull away from Alex, but Alex’s hands fasten around his upper arms and keep him close.

With a sigh, he says, “Jack, you need to get it out of your head that gay is wrong. Baby, in case you haven’t noticed, almost our entire band and crew is gay. Now will you please just cuddle me like you know you want to. We both just came twice, and I am fucking tired. If you don’t go to sleep, you can sleep on the floor, you fat fuck.”

After a minute of consideration, Jack pulls him close and pets his hair. Jack can feel Alex’s smile against his neck as he nuzzles into it. They drift into a deep sleep, a tangled mess of limbs and sheets, clinging to each other with smiles on their faces.

50 kinky ways, rating: nc-17, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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