History In The Making (prologue)

Jan 07, 2012 00:03

Title: History In The Making (Prologue)
Author: underapaperm00n
Pairing: Jalex 
Rating: overall, R.
Disclaimer: I lie a lot and i don't own them or anything. i made this all up etc etc
Warnings: Language, slavery, slight sex scene (not bad enough to be NC-17, tho)
Summary: Jack is the prince, soon to be king, of Lebanon, and Alex is forced to become his personal slave servant.
A/N: under the cut becos i talk too much :--)

So, I'm starting this and I should really update my other stories, but they're on hiatus and idk i may never bring them back. ANYWAY, I really like this idea, but i understand it's kind of confusing. The end will totally make sense when I write the next chapter. ALSO, this is obviously set it in the dynasty age, but they are really advanced and have things that wouldn't come around for decades. That was on purpose becos reasons. This is probably really wrong historically but that's okay becos it's not really based off history. So, i hope you like this. I know prologues are usually boring and i'm sorry i promise this will get a LOT better and isn't what you probably think it's going to be. If you read this, please let me know even if it's constructive criticism i'm really anxious for feed back on this omfg so please comment i will love you forever aldskf. I'll stop rambling now bye!!!!

Jack sighs as he walks down the corridor, heading to meet the new arrivals. He hates doing this, being so uptight and official, even verbally abusing the poor slaves when his father is around.

He's the prince of Lebanon, the most powerful kingdom of them all; Lebanon owns more land than the other kingdoms combined.

In two months he will marry Tay Jardine and become king. He likes Tay well enough, it's just that, well, she doesn't have a dick. He puts up with it, though, because his father, the king, has all homosexuals mortally embarrassed, abused and tortured, then publicly persecuted.

The thought makes Jack shiver as he positions himself by the grand entrance of the castle, watching as the severants (slaves, basically) file into a straight line, as instructed. This batch is all male; the females were set to arrive from Paris in an hour.

Jack clears his throat, eyes scanning over the batch, in his most official voice, loud and intimidating, he says, "Step forward if you are an experienced cook." Seven shuffle forward awkwardly, for their ankles are bound.

The  guards push the back line away, then cart them off to station them with different chores/locations: guard, garden, indoor cleaning, etc.

Jack speaks again, "Step forward if you can sew." Three shuffle forward. The other four are taken to the kitchen. "Step forward if you are trained even mildly in medical practices." Only one. The guards cart the other two off to join the house maids, leaving Jack alone with the remaining man. "Name and age?" The man swallows, glancing up for the first time, "A-Alex Gaskarth, Nineteen, Sir," Jack stares at him for a moment, then turns to walk away, motioning for him to come. Alex tries to walk forward quickly, then stumbles forward, before falling right on his face. He whimpers slightly in pain as he knee slams into the hard concrete floor.

Jack turns at the clatter behind him, and has to bite his lip not to laugh. He lifts Alex up by his armpits and helps him limp the way to his bedroom. When they get inside Jack locks the door and draws his sword.

Alex's eyes widen in fear and he scrambles back, once again falling and this time landing right on his ass.

Jack tosses the sword down as he kneels beside Alex, whispering softly as he strokes his cheek, "Hey, hey I won't hurt you, I was just going to cut your chains."

Alex visibly relaxes and nods, then holds out his ankles and wrists for Jack to cut. Two clashes of metal later, and Alex can freely move.

Jack holds his hand out for Alex, who warily takes it. Jack helps him over to the bed, then sits him down to look at him.

Alex keeps his head hung as Jack looked him up and down, admiring his figure. Alex blushes, painfully aware of his smell, dirtiness, ripped clothes, and general gross appearance.

Jack places two fingers under Alex's chin, and softly lifts his head. Their eyes lock, and they just stay like that for a moment, looking at each other. Finally, Jack breaks the silence, "Would you like a bath? And perhaps some new clothing?"

Alex nods enthusiastically, making Jack smile. He nods and grabs a hold of Alex's hand, dragging him across the huge room. They push through a set of double doors, and Alex gasps. The bathroom, much like the bedroom accompanying it, is extravagant and extremely large.

Along with being rich, the Barakats have all the advanced technology, things that no one but their family and servants know about; toilets, running water, feeble attempts at electricity, and many other things.

Alex's curious eyes land on the strange metal tube coming front the bath tub, causing his head to cock to the side. Jack notices his confusion and laughs, walking over to turn one of the two nobs, water suddenly shoots out of the tube, causing Alex to jump, straight into Jacks chest, "Oh my god, Sir, I'm so sorry."

Jack shrugs, smiling, "It's fine. I want to talk to you about something, though." Alex nods, looking at him with expectant eyes. "Well," Jack starts, "As you may have figured out, you're technically my slave to do whatever with. But I promise I won't be mean. The only time it'll be like you're a slave is when my father is around. Actually, around any suited man, you need to act like my slave. And I'm sorry in advanced for anything I may say to you. I really hate this idea of slavery, and when I become king in two months, I'm getting rid of it. But until then, we'll have to act like we aren't friends. Which I hope we can be!" Jack says, finishing with a smile. Alex nods, grinning slightly at Jacks excited face.

"Now a bath!" Jack says, turning the other knob and placing his hand under the water. He fiddles with it until its warm, but not scalding, and pushes a stopper into the drain. He straightens up and smiles at Alex.

Alex stares at the water as it rises in the large tub, "It's been so long since I've bathed, in a bathtub, last time I did it I was, maybe, two? And my father was washing me in a large bucket." Suddenly his eyes water as he thinks of his father, who had gone to war for England, and had been killed, another unknown face irrelevant to anyone but his family and few friends. Jack frowns at Alex's tears and pulls him into a hug, wrapping his lanky arms tight around Alex's slim shoulders.

Alex sniffles against Jacks chest, pulling away and muttering, "Sorry." Jack shakes his head, "Don't ever apologize for your feelings, okay, baby?" Alex nods, blushing at Jack calling him 'baby.'

If he's totally honest, Jack is fucking gorgeous and if he keeps being so sweet, Alex is definitely going to have a hard time trying not to have feelings for him. Jack just smirks at his red cheeks, and reaches for his sides. He grabs his shirt and pulls it over his head, aided by Alex lifting his arms.

Before Alex can even put them down, Jack has his fingers wrapped around them and is pulling him close. He leans to whisper in his ear, "That bath looks so nice, mind if I share it with you?" Alex's eyes go wide, and he kind of stares at Jack, whose smirking at him with a devious twinkle in his eyes. Alex gulps and shrugs, "I-I guess. It's probably going to get really dirty when I get in, though."

Jack smiles and begins taking off their clothes, with no help from Alex who stands awkwardly, looking any where but at Jack.

When the final piece of clothing is removed, Jack guides Alex to the tub, holding his arm while he sits to make sure he doesn't fall, then crawls in himself. He spreads Alex's legs and settle between them, smiling up at him. He presses kisses to his neck and whispers, "Relax, baby. Just relax and I'll make you feel so good, okay, darling?" Alex bites his lip and nods.  Well, this should be interesting, he thinks as Jack wraps his hand around his length.

chaptered: history in the making, rating: r, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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