Love prevailed

Sep 11, 2011 00:53

Title: Love prevailed.
Author: underapaperm00n but you can call me Taylor.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: “They jumped to there deaths holding hands, displaying love for the very last time. They didn’t give in, they didn’t give up, they held hands and jumped. Love prevailed.”
Disclaimer: I don’t own, this didn’t happen, etc etc blah blah.
Warnings: it’s about 9/11. it doesn’t end pretty.
A/N: This story will probably make everyone hate me bring iT ON. Based off of this post. Like I saw/read that and it was killing me not to write it okay I had to and Jalex seemed the only fitting pairing other than maybe Ian/Danny but yeah.

Alex frowned, tossing his pen to the side. He closes his eyes and rubs them with the palms of his hands, yawning in the process. It’s another boring morning in his boring work office. The only good parts are the view and Jack, his assistant. Everyone knows his assistant only has the job because he’s sleeping with the boss.

“Jack!” Alex calls. From outside his office, Jack perks his head up, stands, and walks into his boss’ office, “Yes?” he says with a smile. Alex beckons with a finger seductively. Jack’s smile turns into a smirk, understanding flashing across his face.

Jack locks the door behind him and walks over to his boss. He sits down slowly, straddling the older man’s hips. They look into each other’s eyes, then their lips attach and work against each other.

The usual fight for dominance occurs, Jack eventually winning. Jack slips his hands under Alex’s jacket, sliding and shifting until it’s off. He goes for Alex’s top button, when suddenly there’s a giant crash and the floor beneath them shakes.

Both look up in shock and confusion. Alex slips his jacket back on and they make their way out into the lobby area. Other office doors are open, their occupants coming out with shocked expressions.

Suddenly the door to the stair well at the end of the hall bursts open to reveal one of the workers distressed face. “A plane...” he begins breathlessly, “It crashed into the floor below us! The’s everywhere.” As if on cue, black starts billowing up behind the man, blocking their only escape route.

Jack’s hand nervously loops into Alex’s. People run into their offices, grabbing desperately for their phones. Alex can see the orange of the flames licking their way up the stairs. He closes his eyes, tears running down his face. He knows there’s no way he’ll live.

He looks to Jack; the younger man realised their fate as well. They hug each other tight, both taking deep breathes and crying. They pull slightly away from the hug and cram their lips together. The kiss is quick and desperate and needy. They loose track of how long it lasts, savoring their last living moments.

When they finally pull apart for air, they find little of it. All they can see is black; all the feel is the heat. They escape into Alex’s office, backing against the window as the smoke slowly fills everything.

Alex looks behind him, out at the view that made this job worth it. Now, he wishes he would have declined the offer; wishes he could save himself and Jack.

“Let’s jump. Together,” Alex says. Jack looks at him in disbelief, “Wh-what?” Alex smashes the already weakened window with his chair, “I don’t want to burn to death. Lots of people are going to die today Jack. I don’t want to be another statistic. Let’s hold hands and jump,” His voice wavers, “Let’s be remembered for our love. Please. It’ll be like flying; we won’t even feel a thing. And in the afterlife, if there is anything, we’ll be together forever.”

Jack nods and holds his hand out. They stand by the smashed window. They look down at their fall, back at the smoke, to each other, and jump. They’re hands tighten on each other, desperately holding on. Their hair is whipped behind them as they pick up speed.

For a fleeting moment, Alex almost thinks it’s fun, the sensation of flying. He glances at Jack only to be greeted with those warm brown eyes he’s loved since middle school looking back at him. “I lov-” Alex begins to scream, but he’s cut off by the obscene sound of their bodies hitting the pavement.

Years later, they will be remembered. A picture of them falling, holding hands will go around the internet, warming everyone's hearts. But that didn't matter to them. All that mattered was that in their last moments, they had each other. They loved as long as they could, until the second their hearts stopped beating. They were and forever will be known as the two that never ever left each others' side. They will forever be known as lovers.

They jumped to there deaths holding hands, displaying love for the very last time. They didn’t give in, they didn’t give up, they held hands and jumped.
Love prevailed.
The fact that love is still shown in our hours of need, the fact that love is still felt when falling to the ground, the fact that love is still felt whilst burning to death, the fact that love will always be felt is proof that the terrorists can not win.
Love will prevail, love will always prevail.

rating: pg-13, standalone, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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