You Bring Out My Terrible, It's Oh So Wonderful (1/??)

Mar 19, 2012 17:23

Title: You Bring Out My Terrible, It’s Oh So Wonderful (1/??)
Author: underapaperm00n
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
Summary: That one where Alex is Jack’s sex slave and they fuck a lot. 
Warnings: so much sex, slavery, multiple orgasms and blow jobs and dirty talk and all that fun stuff!
Disclaimer: Yep i don’t own them and i made this all up etc etc don’t sue me. cut cred. to the starting line and title cred. to the spill canvas \m/
Prompt: 28. Dominant ( 50 Kinky Ways Table)
A/N: i’m starting this because the idea of slavery is becoming my fave (can you tell omfg) and i have so many ideas where alex is jack’s bitch for my kink table and i’m gonna do it ok cool. also this is so much longer than it was supposed to be originally but that means more sex so yayyy.

EDIT: okay so, last night i accidently deleted this, thinking it was something else. i shouldn't be allowed on livejournal when i'm sleepy. 
In today’s world, everyone views slavery as this horrible rotten thing, right? Fast-forward about 50 years and all of that is wiped out. Granted, ‘slavery’ is very different from what it used to be. Labor slavery is still illegal, yes. Sex slavery, now that’s perfectly legal, in fact it’s expected for you to have a sex slave, it’s normal.

Also, the slaves have some rights. Few, but they still have some. They can report being hit, abused, malnourished, and the government will come in and asses the situation, and can take them away. The masters are allowed to be the slaves, as long as they’re in to that kind of thing. The masters can’t make the slaves do something they’re really uncomfortable with, like if some sexual act scares them, they can’t be forced to do it.

Life as a sex slave usually isn’t that bad, because, hey, your job is basically just to have sex. You get food, shelter, clothes, and sometimes you’re allowed to have friends, and all you have to do is have sex.

It’s a pretty great rig, Alex thinks. Except, he, among many others, doesn’t live with a master. He lives in a sex shop, which are the same as before except with separate rooms for slaves. Customers come in, they get to pick from the slaves, and can even pay to test them out in a spare room.

He doesn’t really mind living in the shop; plenty of guys come in and ‘test him out’ but he’s never bought because he doesn’t put much effort into it, unless they’re hot. Then he’ll moan for all he’s worth and go down on him--all the way down, because they have surgeries to remove their gag reflexes. But, none of them really catch Alex’s eye enough to really want it. A new customer will come in, and all the other slaves will flock to the door, the ones that find him attractive with throw themselves at him or her (yes, girls have sex slaves, too.)

Alex just usually stays in the back of the room, sleeping or watching with faint amusement. He was sleeping when a certain Jack Barakat came in, announcing all the girls need to leave, because he’s gay.  That leaves a handful of guys for Jack to pick from, but none of them really catch his eye.

That is, until he sees Alex sprawled out sleeping on the bed in the corner. One of his hands is hanging off the bed, the other stuck down his pants. His shirt is riding up his torso, revealing the toned skin and prominent hip bones. His jeans were tight, showing off every contour of his thin, long legs. His head was laid on the pillow, facing him, his eyes closed and mouth slightly open.

“Is he gay?” He asks the lady that works there. She looks over, scrunching her nose, “Yes, but, you don’t want Alex.” Angrily, he looks at her, “Actually, I do.” Huffing, he walks over to the sleeping man, crawling onto the bed and straddling him.

Waking up with a groan, Alex opens his eyes, squinting, “The fuck are you?” Jack rolls his eyes, “You’re coming home with me.” Alex shamelessly checks him out, letting his eyes slide up and down his body. Alex starts to smirk, because finally an attractive man wants to buy him. Yes.

“Don’t you have to get off me if you want to go anywhere?” He asks, raising his eyebrows. Jack looks down at him, snorting, “You’ll be fun in bed.” He crawls off Alex, watching him stretch out, causing his stomach to show more. Jack’s breath catches for a minute, because he looks so stunning, and the light’s hitting him in all the right places, and he’s not even sure if he can wait to get home, may have him ride him in the car.

He watches as Alex crawls off the bed, bending over to get his stuff from underneath it. Jack takes in a deep breath, because, damn his ass and legs look so good in those jeans. “On a second though,” Jack says, turning to the saleslady, “I want to test this one out.”

Alex, still bent over, looks back up at him, devious twinkle in his eye and his mouth curling into a dangerous smirk. He straightens up, eyeing him with a look of amusement. He starts walking out of the room, beckoning Jack to follow him with two fingers.

Once they’re in the testing room, or as Alex calls it, the undressing room, he turns to look at Jack, chuckling softly, “What? Couldn’t wait long enough to get home to fuck me?” Jack rolls his eyes, reaching out to grab his hips and pull their bodies together, “So what if I couldn’t? Just shut up and enjoy me fucking you.”

Alex rolls his eyes and leans in to kiss him, licking at his bottom lip, sliding his tongue in when Jack parts his lips. He massages Jack’s tongue with his, reaching his hand down to palm him through his jeans. Jack moans into his mouth, rutting his hips forward as Alex pulls back, saying in a seductive voice, “Why don’t we save that for later? How about I just blow you?”

Alex looks into his eyes, amusement mixed with arrogance plastered on his face, staring at him thickly as he sinks to his knees. He keeps their eyes locked as he unbuttons and unzips Jack’s pants, pulling them down so that they pool around his ankles. Jack kicks them off as Alex takes him into his mouth, going all the way down and immediately starting up a fast rhythm bobbing his head, moaning around him and swirling his tongue.

Jack gets weak in the knees, moaning and pulling hard on Alex’s hair, helping guide him up and down. It doesn’t take long for Jack to come, and Alex takes it all like a champ, wiping his chin on the back of his hand, smirking, “So you’re going to buy me right?”

Jack just nods, eyes closed and dopey grin on his face. Alex smirk grows as he leans against Jack, mushing him against the wall, leaning to whisper in his ear, “How about you take me home and fuck me until I can’t walk?”

Jack whimpers softly, then groans as Alex leans down and pulls his pants up. Pouting, he looks at Alex, “I think you’re forgetting who’s in charge here.” Alex grins, sarcastically replying, “Yes, master. I’m so sorry to have upset you, master.”

Jack leans his chest up, grabbing Alex through his jeans, growling in his ear, “Oh, I was right. Making you my little bitch is going to be fun.” Alex swallows, trying to make it seem like Jack’s words don’t have an affect on him.

Jack smirks, pushing his shoulders back, “Now, I think I’ll take you up on that offer of taking you home and fucking you until you can’t walk.” With that, he opens the door and walks off, Alex smiling and following him.

Jack goes to sign all the papers while Alex gathers his things, rolling his eyes at the astonished looks being thrown his way. Everyone there knows Alex rarely puts out, abusing his right to deny one costumer a week. And if he isn’t denying them, he’s doing everything he can to stop them from buying him. Honestly, no one ever thought anyone would buy Alex.

Alex throws them all the bird as he leaves the room, squeaking as Jack wraps an arm around him, suddenly appearing. Jack laughs, guiding him out of the building. Alex takes note of the large bag he’s got on his other arm, black with the curling design of the logo for the shop.

He points at the bag, looking at Jack, amusement clear in his eyes, “Did you get toys to use on me?” Jack nods and Alex grins, because he really likes toys, okay. In the parking lot, Alex gasps at Jack’s car.

It’s a fancy black sports car, glossy and pretty and Alex thinks he’s going to drool because he has this thing for nice sports cars. “I want to make love to your car,” He says, staring at it with wide eyes. Jack laughs and wraps his arms around him from behind, whispering in his ear, “We can make love in my car if you want.”

Alex nods, rolling his hips back softly. Jack smirks and pulls away, going around the car to get in the driver’s side, pausing only to say, “Come on, you fucktard.” Alex let’s his fingers trail over the car softly as he walks to the door, sitting down and gasping at the dashboard.

Jack grins at him and revs the engine, and Alex squeaks, because the car just purrs and it kind of vibrates, and Alex just wants to marry this car.

Smirking, Jack reaches a hand over to start palming Alex as he drives, and Alex throws his head back against the gray leather and moans, arching his back and rolling his hips up. Jack moves his hand back to the steering wheel, looking at Alex from the corner of his eyes, “Control yourself, you little whore.”

Alex whimpers and closes his eyes, enjoying the way the car hums softly under him, and then Jack hits the gas really hard and it makes this loud noise, and he bites his lip and groans. After what feels like forever they pull into the driveway, and Alex’s jaw dropping at the size of the house.

“My god, Jack, what do you do for a living, sell cocaine?” He asks, getting out of the car and following after the boy. Jack rolls his eyes, “If I had a dollar every time someone asked me that, I’d be....well I’m already a millionaire, so I’d be a billionaire. But, the point is, no, I don’t sell cocaine. I started up this music company and it took off.” Alex grins, “So, can you play any instruments? Sing?” Jack shrugs, “I play guitar.” Alex bites his lip, “That’s hot.”

The inside of the house is beautiful. It’s not grand and golden like you’d expect, but home-y with a modern twist. Instead of lights, Christmas lights lace the ceiling in complicated, intricate patterns. Some drape down the walls, sending a soft glow out over everything. There’s a long hallway that ends with a set of stairs, two doors leading off it that he can tell hide a bathroom and a library.

To his direct right, there’s a wide, open living room, and one entire wall is glass, showing off an impressive sized pool, surrounded by a concrete slab that has chairs to lay in. To his left, there’s a kitchen, with a door leading to what he assumes is the pantry. The counter tops are granite, and the majority of the kitchen is silver. Counters and appliances alike border the room, and there’s an island in the middle with a few chairs pulled up around it.

Jack rolls his eyes at Alex’s gaping mouth, wrapping his arms around him from behind as he stares at the house, moving one hand to palm him lightly as the other runs over his chest. He leans down to whisper in his ear, “So where do you want to fuck first? Maybe the kitchen island, or outside in the pool. We could do it in my bed, which is huge, or we could do it in the shower. Maybe the game room; I could bend you over the pool table and fuck you into oblivion. Come on now, pick one.”

Alex gasps, stuttering out, “The b-bed. At least for round one.” Jack smirks and nudges him forward, pulling his bag off his shoulder and throwing it down by the door, muttering, “Martha can get that later.” After questioning, Alex learns Martha is the cleaning lady, but he doesn’t really care because half way down the hall he’s slammed into the wall, and Jack’s lips are pressing against his as his hips grind down, so why should he give a shit about the cleaning lady?

He brings his hands up to tangle in Ja

ck’s hair, rolling his hips up to meet Jack’s. He opens his mouth, letting Jack’s tongue in and moaning as he massages his tongue. Jack pulls his shirt off, running his hands over his chest once it’s gone.

Alex arches his chest up, but Jack just forces it down against the wall, kissing and sucking down to his neck. He leaves marks all over his neck, growling when he’s done, “Just so everyone knows you’re my little whore.”

Alex whimpers, rolling his hips up into Jack’s. Jack nips behind his ear, talking low, “Go upstairs, to the left. The second door on the right is my bedroom. I want you on the bed, naked and stretching yourself by the time I get up there.”

He pulls away, shoving Alex towards the stairs, watching in amusement as he scrambles up them, practically crawling. He goes to find lube and a condom, then makes his way upstairs. He stands in the doorway for a few moments, watching Alex moan and rock down against his own fingers.

Jack saunters over, smirking and patting his head, “Good little whore.” Alex moans and arches his chest, working his fingers into himself deeper. Jack watches him, biting his lip and getting undressed.

He rolls the condom on, then squirts lube into his hand and coats his dick with it. Small moans fall from his mouth as he slides his hand up and down, keeping his eyes trained on Alex. “On your hands and knees,” He commands, voice laced with authority.

He watches happily as Alex moves as fast as he can into that position, shoving his ass up into the air and wiggling his hips, looking back at Jack expectantly. Jack crawls onto the bed behind him, lining up. He’s just about to push in when Alex pulls away from him, mumbling, “W-wait.”

Jack growls, staring at him through slitted eyes, “What?” Alex swallows and looks down to the floor, face growing red, “It’s just, uh, I’ve never actually had s-sex. Like, I’m te-technically a virgin and I’m sc-scared.”

Jack relaxes his shoulders, sighing and pulling Alex into a hug, “I’ll be gentle if you want. I just figured you were the type that liked it rough.” Alex shrugs, “You being all dominant is hot as fuck, but I don’t wanna get hurt. C-can you just go soft at first then fuck me as hard as you can?”

Jack grins, nodding. Alex pecks his lips and crawls back on to his hands and knees, looking back at Jack, biting his lip. Jack lines up again, sliding in slowly, leaning down to kiss at the back of his neck.

Alex gasps, clenching up and fighting back tears. He almost wants to tell Jack to just stop, because it hurts so much. Jack frowns, resisting the urge to thrust in and out, wrapping his arms around him and rubbing his chest, “Don’t cl-clench up. Relax, it’ll get b-better.”

Alex tries to relax, taking deep breaths and tightening his fingers in the sheets, whimpering, “Just move.” Jack nods, pulling out a little and pushing back in softly. Alex whimpers again, squeezing his eyes closed and breathing shakily. Jack frowns, moving a hand down to jerk him off as he thrusts again, adjusting his angle so that he brushes up against Alex’s prostate.

Jack smirks as Alex moans loudly, “F-fuck! D-do that a-again.” Jack thrusts in hard, and Alex rocks his hips back to meet him, moaning as all the pain is replaced with pleasure. Jack’s hands move to Alex’s hips, pulling them back as he thrusts forward again and again. He pulls almost all the way out, thrusting back in with as much force as he can, moaning and causing Alex to practically scream his name.

“F-f-faster!” Alex yells, moaning and whimpering in pleasure. Jack speeds up, leaning in to whisper dirty promises in his ear, nipping at the sensitive skin on his neck. Alex throws his head back on to Jack’s shoulder, moaning like a porn star, “Jaa-aack, t-touch m-me.”

Jack wraps a hand around, ghosting it over his dick, running his fingertips up and down it gently, “Like this?” Alex whimpers, shaking his head, “J-jerk me o-off.” Jack grabs him, pumping him slowly, causing Alex’s hips to sputter, thrusting back to meet his hips, then forward into his hand.

Jack sucks at the back of his shoulder, grinding into his prostate hard, flicking his wrist, “Come for me like the little slut you are.” Alex screams, coming all over his chest and stomach and the bed, sending Jack over the edge when his muscles clench. Alex’s vision whites out as he collapses against the bed, whimpering as the waves of pleasure crash over him, Jack pulling out and falling beside him, taking the condom off, tying it and tossing it towards the trash can, blissed out smile on his face.

They lay there for a while, hearts pounding and chests heaving. When Alex comes down from the orgasm-induced high he glances at Jack, humming contently, “That was so much better than everyone says it is. Holy shit, that was amazing.” Jack grins, looking over at him, “If you go get turn the shower on and get the water warm I’ll fuck you again in there.”

Alex crawls off the bed, “Where’s the bathroom?” Jack grins, pointing to a door and watching Alex go, shamelessly admiring his bare ass. A few minutes later, Alex calls for him. With a smirk, he peels himself from the bed, going in to the bathroom.

His breath catches in his throat at what he sees. Alex is already lathered up, shampoo falling from his hair, bubbles sliding down his wet body. Jack lets out a choked out moan, causing a smirk to play at Alex’s lips as he turns to look at him.

Jack crawls into the shower, pressing him against the shower wall, tangling his hand in Alex’s hair as he crams their lips together, forcing his tongue into Alex’s mouth. The water falls around them as Alex reaches a hand down, grabbing both of them and jerking them off simultaneously, moaning and rutting his hips forward. Jack gasps, tugging on his hair and running his other hand all over him, loving the way the soapy water aids his hand in moving over his torso, around and down his back.

He uses it as lube as he pushes two fingers into Alex, causing him to moan into his mouth and rocks his hips back. Jack works his fingers in and out, scissoring them and curling them, then adds a third finger, curling them all together, leaving Alex a whimpering mess in front of him.

He pulls his fingers out when he’s satisfied, ignoring the whine Alex lets out. He frowns, pulling away, muttering to himself, “I need a condom.” Alex whines again, pulling at his wrists, forcing their bodies back together, “No, just fuck me. Pl-please. I don’t have any STDs, they don’t sell slaves that have STDs.”

Jack bites his lip, looking at him for a minute before nodding, lifting Alex up and shoving him against the shower wall. “You’re a whore, you know that?” Alex nods, rolling his hips down, “I know, so fuck me like the slut I am.” Jack moans softly in the back of his throat, lining up and thrusting up into Alex.

This time, Alex knows what to expect, so he tells him to move shortly after. Jack finds his prostate on the first thrust, remembering the angle from before. Alex whimpers, pushing down and clawing at Jack’s back. Jack grinds hard into his prostate in favor of thrusting in and out, moaning as he leans in to kiss him.

They kiss until they can’t breathe, the steam from the shower not helping. Jack grinds hard into Alex, reaching a hand between them to jerk him off slowly. Alex’s nails dig in to his shoulders, his heels digging into his lower back.

Jack watches him fall apart in his arms, moaning as Alex experimentally clenches around him. He grinds harder, watching with a gaping mouth as Alex arches his chest, pushing his hips down and moaning loudly. “You look so fucking hot, oh my god,” He says, pulling out a bit and thrusting back in.

It doesn’t take long for Alex to come again, voice cracking as he yells out, collapsing against Jack. Jack pulls out, sitting Alex down and wrapping a hand around his own cock, starting to jerk himself. Alex frowns, swatting his hand away, “Silly, that’s what you have me for.”

He takes Jack into his mouth all the way, letting Jack grab his hair and openly fuck his mouth until he comes down his throat, causing Alex to grimace when he pulls off. They shampoo and condition their hair, then they use wash clothes to clean them selves, stopping every so often to make out. Jack turns the water off and they get out, drying off. Jack goes back into his room, pulling on boxers and throwing a pair to Alex, who pulls them on. Jack yawns and pulls Alex to him, kissing him and pushing him against the dresser.

When they pull away for air, Alex nips Jack’s bottom lip, “Hey, Jack?”

Jack hums, “Hey, Alex.”

Alex rolls his eyes, grinning, “Can I ride you?”

Jack sighs, “Right now?”

He sighs again when Alex nods, “I don’t even know if I can get hard again right now, Jesus Christ, Alex, you whore.”

Alex just giggles, “Isn’t that what you bought me for, though? You sure as hell didn’t buy me to be your best friend.”

Jack walks backwards, falling against the bed and pulling Alex down with him, shrugging, “If you can get me hard again then you can knock yourself out. But after this you’re going the fuck to sleep because I’m already exhausted.”

Alex grins and nods, moving to kiss at his chest, trailing open-mouthed kisses down his chest, over his stomach, then he tugs Jack’s boxers off, sucking on the inside of his thighs. He flicks his tongue out to lick at the slit, running it flat against the bottom of his dick. Jack whimpers, and Alex grins up at him, slithering back up to him. He wraps a hand loosely around Jack, gently jerking him off as he talks dirty in his ear.

“I want to ride you so bad. I want to sink down around you, and I want you inside me more than you can imagine. I want you to bend me over something and fuck me for what I’m worth, pound into me until I don’t remember my own name. I want you to rough me up, throw me into things and bite me, scratch me and grab me, pull my hair, bruise and scar me. I want you to shove me up against something and have your way with me until I can’t walk. Oh god, Jack, I just want to fuck you so bad.”

Jack moans at his words, rolling his hips up into his hand, reaching his hands up to tug him to his mouth by his hair, kissing him roughly and whimpering, forcing his tongue into his mouth, massaging his tongue.

Alex moves to straddle his hips, shifting around to line up. Jack frowns, “Don’t you need to stretch yourself?” Alex sucks behind his ear, mumbling, “Don’t wanna waste time when I could be riding you. I should be good from earlier.” Jack shrugs, mumbling, “If you say so.”

Alex looks down at him, biting his lip and sliding down on his dick, gasping and moaning. Jack moans, grabbing his hips and curling his fingers into them, digging his nails into the protruding bone. After a minute, Alex uses the headboard to push himself up, dropping back down and moaning, throwing his head back. He starts up a steady rhythm, moaning and getting faster and faster each time.

Jack moans watching him bounce up and down, holding his hips hard enough to bruise. “I w-wish I had a c-camera. You look so fu-fucking hot, sh-shit Alex,” Jack stutters, admiring his body.

Alex moans, leaning over and whispering in his ear, “Maybe one day you can set up cameras everywhere and we can make a sex tape for you to watch. Would you like that?” Jack only moans in response, bucking his hips up into Alex.

They get a quick rhythm set, Alex going up and down and Jack rutting up feverishly when he comes down. Jack comes first, closely followed by Alex. Alex flops beside Jack, yawning. When he gets his breathing under control, he moves to Jack, curling into his side and wrapping his arms around him.

Jack scrunches his eyebrows at him, “The fuck do you think you’re doing?”

Alex frowns, looking up at him, “Cuddling you.”

Jack  shakes his head, “Your room is the last left at the end of the hall. You sleep there.” He points at the door when Alex doesn't move, trying to ignore the hurt look on his face. Alex gets up, head hung and frowning as he walks to the door.

Jack sighs, “You can cuddle me if you promise to wake me up to breakfast and-slash-or blow jobs.” Alex grins, nodding and running back to the bed, jumping into it and snuggling into Jack’s side, closing his eyes and starting to drift to sleep.

Jack thinks he’s asleep when he speaks up, “Th-thank you, Jack.”

Jack cocks his head to the side, “For what?”

Alex kisses his shoulder, “For being gentle with me earlier. And for calling me hot. And for getting me off. And for cuddling me. It’s been years since anyone did any of those things for me. So thank you.”

Jack grins, petting his hair, “You’re welcome. Now, go to sleep, little whore.” Alex giggles, shifting to get more comfortable and drifting off to sleep.

rating: nc-17, chaptered: you bring out my terrible, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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