History In The Making (Two)

Mar 10, 2012 12:41

Title: History In The Making (Two)
Author: underapaperm00n
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: overall, R. (the end of this is nc-17 holla)
Disclaimer: I lie a lot and i don't own them or anything. i made this all up etc etc. cut cred. to he is we~
Warnings: Language, slavery, blowjobs, idk if it's considered gore but yep
Summary: Jack is the prince, soon to be king, of Lebanon, and Alex is forced to become his personal slave servant.
A/N: I'M SORRY DON'T HATE ME. ((ps sorry it took so long to update omfg i like completely forgot about this fic))

Prologue | One | Tumblr

Jack’s eyes are wide as he pushes Alex off the bed, hissing at him to go clean the bathroom. Alex nods and scrambles off out of sight. Jack straightens his outfit as he goes to the door, swinging it open with a look of innocent confusion, “What’s wrong, father?” He asks.

His father grabs him by the collar, veins bulging out, eyes wide, face red, yelling right in his face, “Please, tell me what could be more important that patrolling the borders? One of the other countries warriors could have invaded in your absence. This is absolutely not acceptable and if you aren’t on your horse in five minutes I will hang you.”

He releases Jack and storms off, shaking his head as he walks. Jack lets out a breath, grateful he hadn’t heard his laughter. He yells vaguely at Alex to clean everything until it sparkles, then hurries out the door, shutting it behind him.
Alex wipes away at the counters, wondering what Jack’s doing. He imagines it must be boring, riding around the borders of the castle. He’s deep in thought about Jack, what he’s doing, what they’ll do later, but he’s shaken from that when suddenly the bedroom door flies open.

He jumps lightly and turns to look at who it is, frowning worriedly as a man with a pale, scared face rushes in, gasping, “Y-you know medicine and first aid, right?” Flustered, Alex nods, “Yeah, a little. Wh-what happened?”

The man grabs Alex’s wrist and pulls him hard, making him wince a bit from where the hand cuffs had rubbed the skin raw. As their running down the confusing maze of halls, the man rushes to fill him in, “We were patrolling the castle, and someone had gotten in. He was mad at the king, so he tried to kill Jack. H-he shot Jack with an arrow, but we got it out of his shoulder. He fell off his horse, and the guy came and ran over his leg with his horse, so we think it’s broken, and h-he was trying to stab Jack through his heart when we shot and killed him. He’s r-really beat up and none of us know what to do.”

Alex blinks at him, taking in all the information and swallowing hard, getting into the mindset of ‘fix him, don’t be sad, don’t get emotional, fix him’ as they round a corner and go into a room. With a deep breath, Alex goes in and rushes to the bed where Jack is laying.

“A-alex?” He asks, groaning and writhing in pain. Alex squeezes his hand and mutters, “Shh, shh, I’m here. Don’t talk, okay?” Jack nods and Alex asks if they have any kind of bandages, or anything. One of the men assembled around him thrusts a box into his hands, containing a bunch of bandages and wound cleaning supplies.

Alex sighs in slight relief, quickly moving to shove Jack’s shirt off. He bites his lip hard when he sees the bloody wound, his fingers wrapping around the right bottle and dosing a rag in it, moving to clean off the blood and gently wipe around the wound. He frowns as Jack whimpers, twisting his fingers in the sheets.

He gently moves Jack so that he can clean the back of the wound, then wraps it tightly and lays him back down, moving down work on his leg. When he sees it, nervous tears start to form in his eyes. He looks up in distress, opening his mouth like a fish out of water, quietly saying, “I d-don’t know if I can f-fix that it’s s-so crushed.”

Jack swallows hard, slowly sitting up to look at his leg. He almost faints when he sees it, because there’s a huge spot on his leg where it’s practically flat. Some of the men run out of the room, saying they’ll go fetch the actual doctor.
Until then, Alex starts to slowly turn Jack completely over so that he can make sure everything on his back is okay from where he fell. He gently cleans it off, muttering soothing words as Jack makes noises of pain.

He cleans off the little scrapes littering his back, then has to pop part of his shoulder back into place, causing Jack to sigh lightly. He checks all the bones in his back, declaring them fine, just bruised.

As he’s turning him back over, an older man comes in, holding a small box. Alex assumes he’s the doctor, because he goes straight to Jack’s leg, very lightly pressing his fingers to check the bones.

He frowns at the leg, looking up to Jack who looks like he’s about to pass out from the pain, and sighs, “I’m afraid I’ll have to do surgery. Right now.” Jack swallows so hard you can see his Adam’s apple bob, then nods. With a shaky voice, he says, “Everyone but Alex out.” The men shuffle out and Alex grabs his hand, something he’s been wanting to do since he saw him.

The doctor gets to work, cutting and shifting and doing this and that and there are tears coming from Jacks eyes as he screams, his grip bone-crushingly hard on Alexs hand. Alex tries to distract him, kissing him, rambling about puppies and unicorns and rainbows, he even tries dirty talking, but it doesn't stop the whimpers falling from Jacks lips.
After what feels like a lifetime, the doctor wraps up Jacks leg and announces he's done, then leaves the room with a promise not tell to tell anyone about their affair. Alex turns bright red, where as Jack seems unfazed by comment. His face is flushed, hair sticking to his slick skin.

Alex reaches his hand out to cup his cheek, whispering, “Are you okay?” Jack takes a deep breath, biting his lip, “I will be. Can we just go to my room so I can sleep?” Alex nods frantically and moves to help Jack up.

They hobble down the hall, and eventually get into Jack’s room, where Alex delicately lays him down on the bed, bringing the sheets around him and carefully tucking him in. He walks over to shut the door, sliding the lock into place. Then, he lays on the bed beside Jack, curling into his side and nuzzling into his neck.

For the next few weeks, Jack spends most of the time in bed, and Alex spends every minute by his side, catering to his every need. He feeds him, insists on half-carrying him everywhere, making sure he’s comfortable. Jack isn’t sure if it’s endearing and cute or annoying as hell. He thinks it’s the first one, though.

One day, Jack wakes up horny. He hasn’t gotten off since the injury, and the sex dream he just woke up from totally isn’t helping. “Aaaaleeeex,” He whines to the boy, who was reading beside him.

Alex jumps up and throws his book aside, turning to Jack, “What? Is everything okay?” Jack pouts, “No. I need to get off. Like, right now.” Alex smiles at him, “I can handle that.”

Alex starts to slither down Jack’s body, kissing his bare stomach, grateful that Jack doesn’t like sleeping with anything but underwear on. Alex looks at him through his hair, playful lust dancing in his eyes. He pulls down his underwear, flicking his tongue out to lick at the head, sliding over the slit, eliciting a small moan from Jack.

He takes the head into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. Jack whimpers, tangling his fingers in Alex’s hair, gently pushing his head down. Alex looks up at him, slowly going down. Jack gasps, moaning and closing his eyes. Alex pulls off, ignoring the whine Jack lets out, mumbling with a frown, “Jack, if you don’t quiet down people will hear us.”

Jack nods, “Okay, I’ll try to be quiet. Just don’t stop doing that.” Alex rolls his eyes, grinning as he goes back down, taking most of him into his mouth, working what he can’t fit with his hand. His tongue swirls everywhere, running up and down his length as his head bobs. Jack bites his lip hard, trying to hold back the moans he desperately wants to let off.

Alex moans around him, causing Jack to gasp, completely forgetting that he needs to be quiet. He moans so loud it’s practically a scream, tugging on his hair, “G-gonna co-come.” Alex hollows his cheeks, pulling out all the stops he knows until Jack comes, practically yelling out.

His toes curl and he throws his head back, just as the door flies open. Jack’s too caught up in the pleasure to notice it, but Alex does, looking up with wide eyes at the angry kings face. He splutters as the king fumes, waiting for Jack to notice.

When he does, he shoots up straight, gasping, “Oh shit, dad it’s not what it looks like.” The king turns, storming out with out a word. Jack looks at him, worry in his eyes. A few moments later, guards rush in, grabbing Alex by his arms and dragging him out, kicking and screaming.

Jack jumps forward, yelling for them to let him go, but they just hold him back until he’s gone. With a crushing feeling, he notices they went in the direction of the torture chambers.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

chaptered: history in the making, rating: r, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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