:Dix: - That heaven is over rated

Dec 10, 2004 23:13


I have that old Train song stuck in my head. Don't understand why, but it's been there for a while an - THERE'S A SPIDER ON MY DESK... and it's inching towards my bag of Skittles.

Whoa, deja vu.

Hokay, so this week was pretty good, save for me dying of fatigue (whoooooa, sophistication!) the whole day, for the whole week. Especially in Science. God, it's so hard to stay awake in that class. I'm trying to pay attention now because my mark was slipping a little because my mind would wander SO much in that class, and I didn't understand anything at all. So now I try to listen, though it's so frickin hard, because sometimes I'll find myself "snapped back to reality", and I'll realize that I just missed five minutes of the lesson without knowing how the hell it happened.

And apparently my teacher has thrown chalk at my head several times. o.O I didn't even know, until I was talking to the people behind me, and they told me how every time I put my head down (to sleep), Makkar would throw chalk, but would miss, and it would bounce off my desk and to the people behind me. O.O So odd, because I don't remember this AT ALL. I mean, I don't actually fall asleep in science, I just close my eyes... right? Man.

So what else is new.

Uh, we got our Course Calendars, which means we'll be picking our grade 11 courses soon and I am realizing that I don't really know what I want to do with my life, which makes that a little difficult. Just a bit. -_-'

Oh! Found out that Nancy is in my guitar class next sem! Woo-hoo, I'm not a loner. OOH, and I think Julian C, too. Awesome; I am excited. It'll be fun.

Hmm, what else... Random news:

"Dimebag" Darell Abbott (spelling?) from the band Pantera (and their new one that I cannot remember the name of) was shot five times by a "fan" and killed. May he rest in peace, although I'm not a fan of Pantera. Well, wrong wording. I haven't listened to much of their stuff to be a fan. But may he rest in peace, because many people have been hailing him as a great metal musician, and I'm sure he'll be greatly missed on the music scene.

http://www.hugi.is/hahradi/bigboxes.php?box_id=51208&f_id=1211  <------- That made me a little angry, but mostly made me wonder at the endless stupidity of American blondes. God, that woman is so fucking stupid. "They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent?" Jeeeeeeez. Trust me, you stupid blonde, we're not there by choice. And that other guy was no better. Dogsledding? DOG SLEDDING?! Jeez, go take one of your many nuclear weapons (or "weapons of mass destrcution" as you people like to call it) and screw it, you stupid fucks.




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