Jan 12, 2005 20:29
I just got home from church, it was good. We were talking about how this is not our world, and this is all just temoporary, that we are passing through, which is ironic b/c I was talking about that at lunch. IDK, I just think about that a lot, exspecially when things arn't so great for me or I have to watch someone I care about go through trials. I don't know, its like all these posessions and emotions arn't even real. And something Nicole (youth leader) said just really hit me, I thought I was gonna cry, and then the other youth leader was talking about how all your frustration and anger is really just pain...and IDK, it made a lot of sense to me. Well, I have a lot to say, not even about this, but I can't find a way to put it in words...plus no1 would want to hear it lol. So, I'm choosing now to be happy, but its hard not to try to help other ppl that u care about to be happy too...if u help u risk rejection and failure...but if u don't u never know.
And so it goes again unfailing that the cost was high and the victory hollow, but for my failure atleast I hope you will know, that I care. And it is laid in you hands once again, let us both lose...or let urself live.