The Hero (an older poem)

Sep 11, 2005 22:07

One look and I saw the anguish in His eyes
The play-by-play terror was in plain sight
Blood flowed freely down His body
Naked, He stood there
Flesh hung freely, or missing altogether
Barely having strength, He looked up to Heaven
He then walked up the road to His sure demise
All the while, the crowd screamed and shouted obscenities at Him
"Crucify Him! Crucify Him" they shouted
He looked at them and said nothing
Why are they doing this,
The number one question running through my mind
Then He slipped, fell to the sand
The tree He was supposed to carry was too heavy for His weak, exhausted body
A guard pointed to my friend
"Hey you, carry that tree", he shouted
Simon picked up the tree and carried it with the Man
Finally, the endless journey was over
Simon and the Man reached Golgotha
The Man collapsed on His stomach
Hastily, the guards threw the tree down next to Him
Simon sneaked away
A large, important-looking man stepped forward
He threw the Man atop the tree and bound this wrists to it
What happened next was neither wanted nor needed
They drove spikes through His hands and feet
One guard thought it would be funny to see if the Man was still alive
With a spear, he stabbed the Man in the side
Crimson blood spewed all over, He cried out in pain
"Eli, Eli lama sabachthani?"
Death was near the man
Just as I could bear to see Him suffer no more,
He breathed His last and said, " It is Finished."
With that, His head fell forward and His body slumped
Slowly, the crowd dispersed
I still know not who this Man is
All I know is He died without a word
Saying nothing, that takes a true Man
He is my Hero
" I really struggled with how to end this poem. Some people can know EVERYTHING about Jesus, the pain He went through, and STILL deny Him. This poem is about how people know what happened and still not know Jesus or what He did for them. Be greatful for what He did. Show Him you care by accepting Him as your Savior and living the Christ-like life"
-Adam J. McGahagin
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