9th anniversary fan book

Jan 23, 2012 10:50

So! Here's the tentative plan for the 9th anniversary fan book. Feel free to make suggestions.

Section 1: Fan works ↓
Anything you might have to submit-fan art, cosplay photos, screenshots of fansites, links to cover videos on YouTube, etc., etc.

Section 2: Band pages ↓
Each active band will its own section. It will say “we are [pet name for fans]”, and anyone who's a fan of that band will write in that section. For example, for NEGA's section it will say “we are NEGATIVISTS” and all NEGA fans' names will be written below that.

Section 3: Happy birthday KISAKI ↓
One page dedicated to KISAKI since it will be his birthday. I'm hoping to get some sort of drawing of him to go in the middle, and around that everyone can just write a really small birthday message.

Section 4: Fan listing ↓
Just a list of UNDER CODE fans (or fans of UNDER CODE bands). I'd like a picture of each person-preferably wearing an UNDER CODE shirt, or in front of a poster, or with a WE LOVE UNDER CODE logo, etc. For anyone uncomfortable with a real picture of themselves, a picture of their UNDER CODE collection, or a stick figure drawing of themselves, etc., etc., would be fine. In addition to the picture, I'd like name, age, country, and a message about UNDER CODE's 9th anniversary.

Section 5: Band member page ↓
There are ~50 official band members are UNDER CODE right now. I'm hoping to assign someone to each member to write a very small message. For example: “SAN - I love your blue hair!” or “N∀O - I want fuzzy headphones too!” Just to recognize every member of the UCP bands, even the ones that might not have as many fans.

Section 6: WE LOVE UNDER CODE page ↓
Just a final page of handwritten “WE LOVE UNDER CODE”'s.


There's not a whole lot of time to organize something like sending a book around and getting real signatures, etc., so I'm hoping to do most of it digitally. So, for the following “handwritten” parts, if you can email me a scan of text on white paper, I can clean it up and put it in manually. These are the handwritten parts:
- For band pages, either print or sign your name
- Small birthday message to KISAKI
- Message about UNDER CODE's 9th anniversary
- Small message to your band member

If you don't have a scanner, you can write those on a piece of paper and mail it to me, and I can take care of it. And the same goes for any fan arts, etc.


I can translate very basic stuff such as country/age/etc. But messages will be left un-translated, unless someone is able and volunteers to do it.


So the basic plan is to just organize this digitally, print it out on some nice paper, put it in a photobook type thing, and mail it to UNDER CODE's office. If someone comes up with a way to have it delivered at a live, we'll try to do that. Either way, since it's digital I plan to make a separate copy, just in case the first one disappears in the mail.


So that's sort of the plan right now. If you have any suggestions, feel free to make them. But otherwise, this is what you can expect. I'll make a more official/organized post later-hopefully today but definitely this week!

☆ community contest / event

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