re: kibouya honpo/himitsu kessha codomo A best-of re-releases

Sep 07, 2008 19:27

Hey guys~

I really don't want to start a flame war or some kind of long debate on the subject, but Eiji (the leader/vocalist/songwriter for both キボウ屋本舗(kibouya honpo) and 秘密結社コドモA (himitsu kessha codomo a)) just posted this on his blog, and I really felt like this is something fans of his/theirs should definitely read.

September 08, 2008 00:47
Reasoning in today's world

Toketsu Kuma has recently been receiving many e-mails recently that
apparently, my previous bands are releasing CDs?

I had no idea.
Did the other members?

I understand that it's just business
and many different things happen for different reasons,
but I just wish someone would've let me know.
I know it's the past,
but since this is our flesh and blood,
I'm angry, and also sad.

I really just wanted to say
that sanbun and Toketsu Kuma records
didn't have a thing to do with this.
I'm sorry.

*notes: Toketsu kuma is eiji's own label he formed after kibouya's disbanding, and sanbun is the abbreviation for サンドイッチで120分?, eiji's current band/project with takken.

Original entry on eiji's blog

I know there's probably some little translation errors, but those are the basic ideas.

The main reason for posting this is that, since both of these are re-releases, many people buy under the ideal of "supporting the artist", and I feel like it should be known that in this instance, you're only supporting the label, not the artist.

m(_ _)m thanks for reading.

x-posted a couple places

edit: thanks for translation notes, karmik~
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