Title: Girl, Fly
Album and Track Title: Swan Song's "Paris" and Remapping The Human Soul's "Girl Rock"
Rating: G
Type: Poetry
Archive: Can be found here, at the
epikfiction comm and the
epik_high comm. Pls ask if you want to publish elsewhere and take out with proper credits.
A/N: Inspired as above, when I was down enough to feel like screaming my head off at a world that won't even care. I was listening to 'Girl Rock' on my mp3 player while 'Paris' was playing in my head. I have no idea how that worked out.
Girl, Fly
You stand at the edge of the rooptop
It's just a skip and a hop
The concrete's pitted and cold
Digging into your tender soles
But the pain means nothing
Not when the voices in your head are singing
You're screaming along to the tune they 're playing
And damn, doesn't it sound like you're praying?
But girl, take a step back from the empty cold
Glance behind your shoulder, there's a hand you can hold
Open your eyes and lift the veil
There's me right behind you even when pain falls like bitter hail
C'mon, breathe, that's right
The night's endless but the stars are bright
Take my hand, don't be afraid to try
I'll grasp your sweating palm with mine and together, we can fly
So fly girl, c'mon and fly
Take my hand and we'll fly into the blue sky