Title: Born to be Difficult
Fandom: 21 Jump Street
Characters: Dennis Booker/Tom Hanson
Prompt: #29 - Birth
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: none
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It was no secret about how the two had felt about each other the first time they’d met. Booker got on everybody’s bad side, though he seemed to enjoy getting Hanson riled the most - almost as if he did everything to piss Hanson off on purpose.
At least that’s what Hanson figured.
He asked once, out on assignment, “Have you always been so difficult?”
Hanson wanted to slap the smirk from Booker’s face. “From the very moment I was born, Tommy.” He’d said proudly.
“Why do you always hassle me?”
That smirk again, “You’re just so cute when you pout.”