Title: Three’s A Crowd
Fandom: 21 Jump Street
Characters: Dennis Booker/Tom Hanson
Prompt: #18 - Green
Word Count: 103
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Because Penhall/Hanson is love too. Even if it's only in friendship.
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He had to watch their antics day in and day out. He had to see the closeness between the two - as if they were the ones sleeping together. There were enough rumours going around…
It was frustrating, to say the least.
He couldn’t help being jealous of Penhall. Penhall, who’d been Hanson’s partner long before he came around. They finished each other’s sentences, they moved in sync and they were always touching.
A hand on his shoulder shook Booker from his thoughts and he looked up from his desk into the amused face of one Harry Ioki. “You okay Dennis? You were growling…”