※ Bobby/Jack
※ First Four Brothers fic.
※ Just something that popped into my head as I was just waking up.
※ Disclaimer - I obviously don't own it.
He shivered, pulling his thin jacket a little higher around his face as he huddled against the back of the abandoned brick building he’d claimed a little over an hour ago. The harsh winter air had long since seeped into his bones, causing them to stiffen and hurt. He’d avoided sleeping outside so far but tonight he’d hit an unlucky break. It was just too cold for anyone to be looking for sex at the moment.
Which meant that he was stuck outside.
The only difference between himself and the other homeless people milling about around him was that he wasn’t actually homeless.
He had run away.
It had happened two months ago, when the snow wasn’t as deep and the temperature wasn’t as harsh. He’d left the nice warm, safe home, back to a life that he was certainly no stranger to, only difference was that this time he was doing it willingly.
Had to get away, away from them, away from him. He reminded himself as he blew warm air into his numb hands. He couldn’t feel his fingers anymore. He couldn’t go back, couldn’t face them now, not after his little confession.
He’d been ready to have an emotional breakdown for a long time…that’s what happened when you kept everything bottled inside.
How have you been fairy? He hated that nickname.
You just won’t give it up will you?
A chuckle. Nope, not until you finally confess that you like dick. It had only been teasing.
Something inside of him had broken. He had stood up and glared at the older man across from him. Fuck you, you asshole! I don’t like dick! The only fucking guy that I’ve ever even looked at is you-
It had slipped out, he hadn’t meant for it to, ever and he would have done anything to take it back.
He’d fled after that, unable to look at his brother. He hadn’t gone back since. He had survived on his own once and he could do it again. So he bed hopped, nightly. He didn’t care who took him home, as long as he got to stay the night. He was always gone by morning. Sure, he felt dirty, disgusting, worthless, but it couldn’t compare to what he’d have felt if he were still back home.
He shivered again, feeling himself grow drowsy and as he closed his eyes he wondered if he’d even wake up in the morning. Not that it mattered. He was worthless.
“How much?” A gruff voice woke him from his light doze.
“Huh?” He looked up with blurry eyes, unable to focus on the being looking down at him.
“How much?” The voice was familiar now and his vision was slowly coming back into focus. “How much for me to take you home? ‘Cause all I’ve got is my heart, Jackie.”
He was quiet, and then a small smile crossed his chapped lips. “I think that will do.”
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