※ Pairing - Fragileshipping
※ Warnings - It's one of my older stories.
※ Disclaimer - I obviously don't own it.
[Ryou’s Diary: Entry 175 - Date: June 28th, 1997 (Age: 10)]
Dear Diary,
It’s finally the last day of school. A time to celebrate, right? At the end of every year everyone in the school always gets a yearbook and on the last day of school the whole day is spent signing yearbooks. So the day was filled with noisy classrooms and a lot of food. We were able to bring treats.
I’ve gotten wise over the past few months; it hadn’t taken long for me to realize that nobody liked me. So I sat in the back of the room while everyone ran around signing everybody else’s yearbook. I had a large chapter book with me and I was about to finish it when Robert came up to me. He wanted to sign my yearbook. He said he wanted to apologize for beating me up and to wish me a happy summer.
I handed him my yearbook. He took it to his desk and as I continued to read my book I noticed others signing it as well. I figured they didn’t even know whose it was, or they thought it was Robert’s. He’s pretty popular. I didn’t see the book until the end of the day when Robert handed it back to me. I didn’t look at it until everyone had left.
My picture had been drawn on; I had devil horns and a tail. And my name had been scratched out, so instead of ‘Ryou Bakura’, it read ‘Girly Boy’. It turns out everyone in the class signed it and on the front cover is where they all did it, it continues to the back cover, here, I’ll write down what everyone wrote. It might even be funny if I wasn’t me.
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“The Class’s Ways to Commit Suicide and why we think Ryou Should”
1. Smother yourself in honey and go find a hungry bear. I want you to die painfully! - Robert
2. Get cancer and die. That way I don’t have to see you next year. - Sharon
3. Stand in the middle of the highway and get hit by a truck. I wanna see some blood! - Felix
4. Kiss the wrong boy and get aids and die. I don’t wanna see you next year either. - Anthony
5. Drink poison.
6. Slit your wrists, the biggest vein you can find.
7. Get mauled by an angry dog.
8. Shoot yourself.
9. Drown yourself.
10. I hear electrocution is painful. All you have to do is take a blow drier into the bathtub with you when it’s turned on.
11. I’d suggest starving yourself, but it looks like I’m too late. - Calvin
12. Coming near me will be committing suicide on it’s own. - Jacob
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I’m glad that there are only thirteen kids in the class, me being the unlucky thirteenth. Anyway, after I read that in school I packed up everything from my desk and locker and stuffed it all in my backpack. My father was waiting for me in the parking lot and he brought me home. I was numb to it all by now so it wasn’t like I was crying or anything.
Knowing about the yearbooks he wanted to see mine. So I showed it to him. He read over what everyone said and he saw my ‘improved’ picture. I could tell that he wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what to say.
So we drove home in silence.
- Ryou