life update - lots of goings on!

Jul 30, 2009 09:49

I went to the chiropractor yesterday and I'm going back again today. Yesterday I found out that what I thought was sciatica (shooting pain down my leg, ow) was really bursitis and I've had an inflamed muscle in my hip and thigh for years and didn't know what it was. Apparently with some exercises I can make it all better! I still have something wrong with my lower back though, and today when I go back I'm going to find out what my x-rays say about it and hopefully get a little relief.

In Jew classes I've been studying the three weeks, the destruction of the temples, and Tisha B'Av. I just finished reading a long commentary on Lamentations. Torah study is FUN, even when the subject matter is something like mourning.

The boys have been with me for the past two weeks. Jerry is supposed to pick them up today, but I don't know if he's actually going to or not. It's been fun. (and a little crazy) Adam has come over a lot and helped me with them. They actually listen to Adam. I don't know why they don't listen to me. :\

I applied to go back to college this fall. I am worried I won't get in because the last time I went my GPA was abysmal. I'm not talking about it much because it makes me nervous.

eta: OH AND. I haven't smoked in two weeks! \o/

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boys, me, jew stuff, adam gets his own tag, school

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