snowflake challenge day 3

Jan 03, 2018 11:01

In your own space, post recs for at least three fanworks that you did not create.

It's so hard to choose what to rec, but I'm going from what's on my first page of bookmarks.

No One Chooses This Life by lapsus_calami (series)
A Teen Wolf/Supernatural crossover. WIP. Eventual Dean/Stiles
Summary: Stiles wasn't running from his problems. Except he kind of was, but at least he was being productive while doing it. He gave himself one year. One year away from Beacon Hills, away from the pack, away from his dad. One year to get himself pulled together, to stop spiraling into panic attacks, to stop falling into pits of despair, to stop screaming himself awake every night. One year to learn everything he could about his spark, about hunting, about the supernatural. One year so that when he went back maybe, just maybe, he could do more good than harm.

Notes: This is long, unfinished, and the slowest of slow burns, but it's SO GOOD.

Body and Soul by Ragga
Teen Wolf. Peter/Stiles. Complete.
Summary: Do you want the bite?


That night changed Stiles' whole life. Now alone, with only his father at his side, Stiles was trying his best not to drown due to his inability to function as an alpha werewolf. On top of that, there was something in the preserve that called for him, someone who would be the answer to his everything. And Stiles?

He would defy even death in order to find his emissary.

Notes: I love the intensity of the Steter relationship in this. It hits allll my buttons.

Silver and Fire by Triangulum
Teen Wolf. Peter/Stiles. Complete.
Summary: Every single day, Stiles is reminded of who he is. "You're an Argent. You're made of silver and fire." He's been trained, honed to be deadly and vicious without remorse. He's been taught to kill monsters indiscriminately because they're volatile and dangerous and need to be put down. He's been taught hate and violence and rage.

The thing is, Stiles also remembers. He pretends he doesn't, because to remember is dangerous, but he remembers the local wolf pack run by his mother's friend, Talia Hale.


Stiles' mother ran away from her family and the Argent legacy. When she and the sheriff die, Gerard is given custody over Stiles and raises him as a hunter.

Notes: I love AUs where Stiles is brought up as a hunter, and this is one of the best I've read.

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recs, challenge: snowflake, fandom: teen wolf

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