fandom friending meme and update on my seekrit fannish activities

Nov 20, 2014 16:31

I posted a comment at
theladyscribe's If you build it, they will come: a friending meme for reasons. (these reasons being me hoping to make some new fannish friends)

I will not be doing the December posting meme because I suck at anything that requires commitment, but maybe I will end up spending more time at DW anyway. I would like to interact with people more here. Fannishly. My journals have become a wasteland with an odd 'my life sucks' cactus and infrequent 'I have no money' tumbleweed here and there.

So here's an idea: I will try to post more about fandom things. To kick it off, here's the update on what I've been doing on the internet for the past few months!

1. I read a shitload of fic on AO3. This takes up a lot of my time. Most recently I've been reading MCU fic the most. Sometimes I switch back over to Teen Wolf. Sometimes I read Inception, Leverage, and Torchwood. Sometimes I look for crossovers with those fandoms.

2. I go to Tumblr at least once a day now (biiiig improvement over how often I used it about a year ago, which was like, practically never).

3. Think about writing. Take notes and/or outline new fics. Rarely, write prose for said fics.

Oh, and today I acquired Loki Agent of Asgard 001-008. I will attempt to read them one of these days.

the post at dreamwidth |
comments | comment there

site: dreamwidth, inception, friending meme, attempt at interaction, fandom: teen wolf, fandom: all things marvel

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