icon request post!

Mar 15, 2013 15:36

I really should be writing but I'm doing this instead.

RULES (because of reasons):

* please link only HQ image(s)
* don't say 'I want an icon of ____' when I don't know who ____ is. I will happily icon outside my fandoms1, but only if I'm provided with a HQ pic/cap
* no animated icons, sorry
* text-only icons are fine, just no looong quotes (it has to fit on the icon!) and if you want text on a fannish icon, please let it be short
* all icons will be shareable
* credit must be given

1 Buffyverse, Teen Wolf, My Chemical Romance, Sherlock, Stargate: Atlantis, Harry Potter, Marvel Cinematic Universe, and others I can't think of at the moment.

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