wheeee! kudos! and 12 things about me, might be triggery under the cut.

Dec 14, 2012 10:35

My 'you've got kudos!' email from AO3 this morning was massive. And I didn't even post to any main comms! I've still got to post the link to the teen wolf and sterek comms. But yay, for a shortish PWP I didn't think would get much readership, The Rites of Midnight is doing really well! (I think the main reason is because it's the most popular pairing in a huge fandom, but maybe part of it at least is that it's good?)

(But what I am REALLY excited about is my TW Hols fic. Which ... still hasn't been posted. Woessss.)

But my Secret Snarry Swap fic is doing really well, too. I will tell you a secret: I am in love with the response to my Snarry. Because it's in a journal entry (3 of them, really, on IJ, DW, and LJ) and has gotten comments. Actual comments with substance. And recs! After I'm revealed as the author I will tell you about the recs. Because it's so exciting! And all without my name attached to the fic, so it's anonymous squeeing and admiration for the writing and the plot and the characterizations and the SUBSTANCE of the fic. I'm not saying I'm posting all my fics anon from now on (that would drive me nuts! I want credit!) but there's something interesting about the response from people when they don't know who I am.(You can tell I don't do anon exchanges very often)

The icons are coming along well! People have suggested some really interesting characters. (FRANNIE VECCHIO) (chrome wants me to change Vechio to Lovechild. and then I realized it's Vecchio and it wants me to change it to Pinocchio. WHAT? *adds Vecchio to dictionary*)

I'm so nervous about the boys coming. I don't know how I'll handle 13 days with them. Well, I know I'll have Ativan, but I need ideas of things to do with them. I bought new video games (which means I'll have less money for food. oops.) and hopefully that will keep them happy. There will be cooking/baking they can do with me, but I think only Zach will enjoy that while DJ reads. Or whatever it is that DJ does while he's ignoring me/the world.

I wanted to do that fandom stocking thingy but I did not. I wanted to put my name and address in for people to send me cards, but I didn't do that, either. So now it's too late and I'm feeling down about not getting things.

OH. but
nwhepcat sent me TWO cards. And
wesleysgirl sent me a card with Snoopy on it! Which reminds me of Xander's Snoopy dance and makes me even happier. THANK YOU, GUYS.

I keep starting and deleting an 'about me' post. I guess the main things you need to know about me are these things:

1. I'm 34. I'm divorced. I was married 10 years, got married when I was 17 because I was pregnant and that's what you do when everyone around you keeps pounding into your head that it's the right thing to do for yourself and your baby.

2. I have three kids. They are almost 17 (Meg), almost 11 (Zach), and 13 (DJ - 14 in February!). My boys live with their father in South Florida. I live in NW Florida, and they are 7 1/2 hours away from me. I don't see them very often but I talk to Zach on the phone almost every day.

3. I got a divorce because the asshole was abusive and I didn't want the boys to see that. Now the asshole has remarried and I'm really hopeful that he's changed.

4. I have bipolar II with some pretty hefty anxiety problems. I'm agoraphobic. I was unable to take care of the boys without flipping my shit. Before they left to live with their dad, I was beginning to have a bit of a problem with drinking. Self medication with vodka is not recommended.

5. I live with my mom, and she helps me take care of meg. Meg requires a LOT of care.

6. Meg is the most important thing in my life. She has multiple disabilities (cerebral palsy and profound intellectual disability being the big ones) and intractable epilepsy (no amount of medication can get rid of her seizures). She was diagnosed early on with an autism spectrum disorder because she's completely nonverbal and non communicative (no sign language, no picture boards) but that diagnosis is suspect. Am I leaving anything out? Probably.

7. I took a semester of college about a year or so ago. I did really well. But then I had problems with my back, and problems with Meg, and didn't continue. Eventually I WILL go back, just not this coming semester. I kinda sabotaged that by doing my FAFSA too late. (and there are many reasons that make it easier for me NOT to go to school) I was/am studying English Education. One day I might teach 12th grade English.

8. But more likely is the future where I'm taking care of Meg for the rest of my life because I can't find a decent placement for her. But that's in the future, I don't have to worry about it yet.

9. FIAWOL. Fandom is a way of life. Fandom is pretty much my only source of friendship and creative outlet. I get up, deal with my daughter, and then I get online. I would have killed myself without fandom. When I was in a mental facility for a couple of weeks (2004-2005?), my fandom friends called me, sent me fanfic, sent me pics of my BSOs, and generally kept me anchored. In 2007, I was suicidal again and got involved with a bandom RPG that kept me busy and happy and in another world until I could get things sorted out in my brain.

10. I'm doing MUCH BETTER NOW. I am on a cocktail of meds that actually works, and I've been relatively happy and upbeat for several months now. So no worrying about me!

11. I'm into Judaism. I have not converted. I still consider it my religion, though, without claiming to be Jewish. I hope that makes sense.

12. I identify as queer. I'm technically bisexual. Or something like that. I like women more than men. Sort of. I like them for different reasons and in different ways. I'm more likely to fall in love with a woman than a man and more likely to date men because my mom disapproves of my preferences. Heh.

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me, meg, my fic, school, meds, boys, writing, mental health

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