wild teal deer sighting

Dec 12, 2012 15:04

I'm so excited for my Harlequin Big Bang story. (The TW Mail-Order Bride fic) I just finished outlining for it. 1400 words of outline; I usually outline much shorter than that. But a lot of things must happen in the story! There's a blind horse and a (not deaf) half-wolf and Kate scheming and Stiles taking care of orphans. This is going to be the fic of my HEART, you guys.

Is it non-anon to say that my TW Hols fic hasn't been posted yet? I'm saying it anyway. It's driving me CRAZY. On the other hand, my Snarry fic has been getting some AWESOME comments. I love HP fandom so much and wish I played in that sandbox more often. But I get sidetracked by DEREKS and STILESES, so it's not my fault.

I'm way behind on my fic reading. I've got
venivincere's new-to-me TW story in a tab and almost all of Snarry Swap and TW Hols to read.

Have any of you recently posted TW or Sherlock fic that I missed? I know I need to read
wolfshark's latest. I think it's Bruce/Tony? It's bound to be kinky. :D (I love puns omg)AND I've got
lamardeuse's Cabin Pressure fic in my 'to read' file. EEE I LOVE CABIN PRESSURE!

I want to read more Isaac fic, too. And possibly write some. OMG I HAVE SO MUCH I WANT TO WRITE.

I need more alpha and beta readers for TW. Does anyone want to take a look at my Mail Order Bride outline and poke holes in it? Because I don't want to start writing it and THEN find the holes. Measure twice, cut once. Right?

I have also gained EVEN MORE new people from the friending meme. I am so excited about this. My reading page has EXPLODED. It's so amazing/great/wonderful!!!

It has come to my attention that I am almost completely out of MCR fandom now. Only not, because I still coo over pics of Mikeyway on
mikeyway_daily and he will always always be my favorite. I still want to write that companion piece to Cycle of Souls where it's Mikey's POV on being stalked and seduced by vampire!Gerard and having no idea what's going on. The fic practically begs for it.

AND I'm writing Danger Days/Teen Wolf fic, so I'm still into that.

And the new music is fabulous. And Gerard Way's FACE. But I haven't listened to the smodcast yet, which proves that I've lost a lot of interest. And I haven't felt the need to RP them lately. I've been in MCR fandom since 2007 (wow, that long?) and I think I'm finally out. Mostly.

If you're in MCR fandom and you're only here for my squee over Gerard & co., feel free to cut ties. I have met some AWESOME people in the fandom and I don't want to lose many of you, but I know some of you are just fannish friends and with the drift are likely wanting to cut me loose. Especially if you hate Teen Wolf. Heh. So anyway, NO HARD FEELINGS. :)?

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