
May 11, 2012 13:14

gahhhh I am almost fangirled out. almost. but not quite.

I'm writing three fics at once and I really didn't intend to.


collaborating on a fic is always super fun for me, and that's what I'm doing with
schemingreader for a post-Reichenbach fic. I'm so, so happy about it, and my cowriter is so talented. I'm a little worried that my own writing won't mesh with hers, but we've done this before with Wild Thyme Honey and that came out really well. Here's hoping we'll strike gold twice.

TEEN WOLF. I'm writing a Derek/Stiles soulbond fic. I don't know if I'll finish it, but so far so good.

avengers! The title of the fic is You Are the Ocean and I'm Good At Drowning and it's Loki/Clint. I love the title. I got it from the title of a song on the Teen Wolf OST, and as soon as I heard it I thought of this pair. So far I haven't written much of the fic because I have ALL. THESE. FEELINGS. about them and the words aren't doing justice to what's in my head.

I am afraid I am up. I was fighting depression for about two weeks, but now I am up and that means a crash in the future and I'm not looking forward to it. Going to the doc on Tuesday and maybe we can tweak the meds so this doesn't happen. Until then, I'm just gonna deal. Have to. I mean, right now the mood is good, I'm getting things done and can do creative things. So far my head hasn't gotten too full (well, it was getting that way but writing this out has helped) and I don't feel like my synapses are firing too fast. Just fast enough, actually. JFC, I wish I was like this all the time.

A friend is trying to get me into Homestuck. I have links to primers and fic recs! As soon as my brain shuts up about John Watson's manpain I will delve in.

You know that Adele song "Someone Like You"? It makes me sob. Every single time I hear it. I don't even like my ex, why does this affect me so much? I guess my emotions are very close to the surface lately.

wow, I wrote a lot. hi, hypomania!

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teen wolf, the avengers, sherlock, mental health, writing

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