good news and BAD NEWS.

Oct 13, 2010 11:21

I have good news and bad news, only the bad news is so bad that it's the only thing I really care about right now.

But I will start with the good news. My appeal was approved, and I can go back to school in the Spring.

The bad news is that Meg's SSI is being cut drastically, down to about $450 a month. Keep in mind that this and the food stamps are the only source of income we have. I don't pay rent, but I do have to pay other bills and this is going to hurt a lot. This isn't something I can appeal. It's just bad luck. We were already really tight for money all the time, but this is going to make a huge difference to where we'll no longer be 'tight' or 'stretched', we'll just be completely broke.

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financial woes, rl

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